How to get the big picture

Success in sales is not always about achieving the ‘big breakthrough’. In fact, hitting monthly targets is more often than not a process of gaining a succession of small victories that all add up to that ‘full house’ moment.

Sales_2_small_circleThis means the true sales pro always has a grasp of the big picture – no matter what happens on one day – the hits and the misses – their aim is to fit all of the pieces of the sales puzzle together so that finally they create a wonderful image that spells success.

Want to find out how it’s done? Here are our top five ways to get the big picture.


Be the hub

To be successful in sales, it’s important to realise that everything begins and ends with your actions.

Yes, it’s important to know trends and market conditions but essentially when it comes to results it’s all up to you.

So be the sales person that is always the most proactive team member and around whom everyone else revolves.

It’s easier to see the big picture when you’re leading from the front and not being blocked behind others.


Be the duck

Yes, the duck, because this way rejection and failure will simply wash off your back. And rather than wallowing in the misery of a miss you’re already eagerly quacking for the next hit.

Remember: it’s not about the here and now, it’s about concentrating on winning the long game.


Be the link

Don’t wait for potential clients to come to you or rely on a familiar network. Build a relationship with one new person every single day.

You’ll be amazed how much your horizons expand and your potential customer base grows.


Be the creator

The role of sales person goes beyond selling products and services. It also involves selling ideas and techniques to colleagues, managers and even the company CEO.

What’s the point of seeing the big picture if you don’t share your vision with others?

Sharing is caring – it also happens to be the best way to get yourself noticed for promotion.


Be the driver

Who is the one person in the sales team who works harder than everyone else? You are. Why? Because you’re determined to drive sales and be the person responsible for achieving great things. Stay focussed and stay one step ahead.


Now get the big picture in Sales vacancies with s1jobs.