How to get noticed in accountancy

Faster than the Flash, bigger than Godzilla, accountancy is on the rise.

Between 2012 and 2016 membership of international accountancy bodies grew by 3.2% worldwide and 2.4% (to 335,000 members) in the UK and Ireland.

Small_Accountancy_1There’s also been a subtle 0.7% rise in UK and Irish accountancy students in that period.

This means there’s more competition than ever for places at accountancy firms across the country.

Fear not! s1jobs is here to help with some top tips on how to stand out to prospective employers.

With our help, it’ll be the digits in your bank account on the rise next.


Connect online

Linking with potential employers and industry professionals is one of the best ways to get yourself noticed. Thankfully, this no longer means doorstepping and being fobbed off by the finance director’s PA. Thanks to social media platforms, having a substantial online presence and being part of a strong network of fellow professionals will make you an attractive choice for your next company. Get online, connect with the main players and share your opinions. Just never after a Friday night sherry.


Keep up to speed

We can’t understate this enough – learning doesn’t end with a degree or full-time employment. You need to be in tune with what’s going down (or up) in the world of accountancy. Who is saying what and who is moving where? Take a few hours every week to stay up to date with what’s happening over at the Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland and, of course, delve into Insights Blog ( at s1jobs.


Aim high, dig deep

Whether you specialise in accounts, audits or management, if you’re serious about the dream role you’re applying for do some heavy research into the company and what they’re all about. You should be going into an interview as excited to speak to them as they are to speak to you.


Be unique, be yourself

Employers employ people, not qualifications. You may have the know-how but if you really want to stand out don’t be scared to be yourself. Even for entry-level accounts jobs, firms want applicants who have personalities to take their company to the next level.


Make it count

Ouch, sorry, bad pun. But accountancy is a numbers game and to stand out here you’re going to have to push yourself hard. Even then, you may face disappointment. That doesn’t matter. Dust yourself off and keep applying for the best Accountancy roles on