Get the right tools for the job

Providing an ace customer service can be challenging, especially when the customers you’re serving can fire back returns faster than a Federer forehand.

Customer_Service_2_SmallTo get the game, set and match result which leaves everyone happy, it’s important to choose assistance that ensures enquiries are answered quickly, accurately and satisfactorily.

That’s why we present to you today . . . the top three tools to help you in 2018!


Join The Social Club

Once used to help promote the company brand, social media has grown to become a customer service support channel in its own right.

This is the online coffee shop – without the cappuccino, sadly – where everyone and their aunty can share their experiences of your company with friends, family, colleagues and perfect strangers.

While it can be disheartening when negative comments are posted, these platforms also offer great opportunities to engage with customers, both existing and potential.

It’s estimated almost half of all consumers would prefer to use social media than the phone to ask questions, express their satisfaction or make that ‘Big Complaint’ about your product or service.

This means it’s important to monitor all posts and conversations on social media channels – and engage whenever and wherever possible.

Let’s make those smiley faces and thumbs up emojis possible, people!


Get Software Savvy

The huge range and often bewildering variety of desktop software and mobile apps available for customer service is astonishing, with new options coming onto the market every day.

Among the top candidates for businesses intent on improving customer relations are options such as Freshdesk. This is an all-in-one helpdesk solution that manages all conversations in one place, no matter what the source: email, phone or social media.

Software such as LiveAgent, meanwhile, offers automatic ticket assignment and a live chat widget for your website – it’s all the rage there on your page.

If you’re looking to land one of the top customer service roles on s1jobs, make sure to do your homework and get a real sense of how super software works.


Go Get Feedback

A truly successful company is one that isn’t afraid to proactively seek customer feedback. For customer service this means finding out whether clients are satisfied and, if not, why not.

Surveys are a practical tool for accurately measuring the quality of your service, as well as customer loyalty – and pinpointing areas where you can improve.

There are many to choose from, such as Survey Monkey, Zoho and SurveyGizmo.


Now let’s tool up and go hunting for all the latest Customer Service vacancies on s1jobs.