Go with the growing jobs

At the end of last year, it was widely reported the production and manufacturing sector was experiencing a boom in employment.

Production_2_SmallIn fact, it was at its highest in three years.

This should come as no great surprise since nearly every other industry relies on this sector for its goods or parts.

There are, however, certain areas where the best jobs really are going like hot cakes!


Food production

Sure there’s a lot of machinery to mass-produce food but there are many aspects that require a human touch.

Health and safety aspects of the production line must be adhered to by eagled-eyed professionals, while quality inspectors and taste testers ensure only the best produce comes off the line.

This means not only having a discerning palate but being able to remain spot on 24-7. After all, a brand won’t last long if the food looks and tastes different every day.



Soft drinks and alcohol are much loved in the UK but they can’t always be mass-produced by machines.

Whisky, for example, requires human oversight in every aspect of its production in order to create the perfect product.

And with every new fizz or blend, there is a fresh demand for professionals in research and development, health and safety and, the best bit, testing.



Not so long ago, everyone was still using brick-sized phones and the internet was viewed as scary magic. Now there’s a product and app for everything.

With a new model phone, tablet or TV on the market every few minutes, it’s no surprise the electronics sector grows fast. Designing, manufacturing and, occasionally, repairing electrical equipment is vital.

The key to getting ahead here is being first to spot new opportunities as innovative hardware comes online. That’s where s1jobs can be your guide to the best vacancies.


Metal fabrication

Steel has always been an integral part of manufacturing. And, despite the decline of the huge mills that dominated in the past, metal is still vital to many sectors, such as construction, aviation and heavy engineering.

Even cutlery and tiny parts for electric equipment require metal fabrication.

Demand for skilled metal workers is growing as new products come to market. And, just as in electronics, if you want to get ahead you must be able to show you can be not only hard working but truly creative.


Grow your own career with Production and Manufacturing roles from s1jobs.