Going, going, gong! The Scottish Legal Awards

Roll out the red carpet! The Scottish Legal Awards are taking place in Glasgow next month.

Small_Legal_1These are the Oscars of the legal world and, just like the Oscars, careers and reputations can be made by winning a gong.

Eighteen individuals and teams from 40 Scottish firms are in the running this year, following the highest number of nominations in the 15-year history of the event.

It took a lengthy debate among the judges to whittle down the list of possible winners and now the finalists have until March 15 to chew their fingernails and await the outcome of the voting.

Then it’s a case of on with the glad rags and off to the Hilton for a night of triumph and disappointment, depending on who wins.

If you’re applying for one of the legal roles available on s1jobs, then an award could make a big difference to your application. Even being nominated could be enough to land you an interview and make your CV stand out from the competition.

Just like the awards judges, most interviewers are looking for solid professionalism and a track record for great client care.

Innovation and insight are other qualities that are highly prized and, in such a competitive sector, having an award – or at the very least a CV – that shows you’ve got all these skills and abilities will put you in pole position.

“Last year’s awards were very hard to beat, but incredibly we have seen another record-breaking year in measuring the quality and quantity of entries in the Scottish Legal Awards. These awards are tough to win,” says Shonaig Macpherson, Chair of the 12-strong judging panel.

And that’s precisely what makes them so valuable.

But even if you aren’t in running for a gong, there are still ways to increase your attractiveness to future employers.

One way is by volunteering as a trustee for a charity. There are dozens of organisations eager to have a lawyer come on board to advise them on a long list of issues. You’ll be doing valuable service to the community and giving back is a great way to increase job satisfaction.

Take an active interest in organisations such as the Law Society of Scotland. This will raise your profile and keep you updated on professional developments.

You might also sign up for training. There’s always something new to learn and day courses will sharpen your skills.

Make time every day to work towards your long-term goals. It will pay off when you hear those fateful words: and the winner is . . .


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