Granny Ina’s genteel guide to selling

Many go-get-em sales professionals will tell you need to go in hard and go in fast to be a success. But Granny Ina knows different.

And she knows how to sell. Ask anyone who’s ever dared leave her cake stall at the church fete empty handed!

Sales_2But her advice, which comes from years of experience, is to be anything but gung-ho – rather it is to be genteel. Thankfully, being a good friend of s1jobs, she’s agreed to reveal some of her top secrets.

So settle back in your chair and let Granny Ina share her home truths about life, the universe and everything.


Go slow

You know the joke about the young bull and the old bull at the top of the hill watching the cows? Well, it’s downright rude, so don’t even go there! But its message is clear. Never rush headlong into a quick sale when patience can build longer, more fruitful relationships with many clients. Putting pressure on only puts people off.


Stick to the road

Yes, there are shortcuts to success but most of them can lead you astray and into all sorts of trouble – such as hitting a target but leaving your customer cold by missing out on the details you promised them. Build lasting relationships with customers by taking them with you on your journey. New customers especially like to have a guide.


Get real

When I want to talk to my grandkids I get on the bus and go visit them. It’s worth it.

In your line of business newfangled technology helps, I’m sure, but take my word for it: there’s nothing quite as effective as being there in person. If you can’t do this, at least pick up the phone and let your potential client hear your voice. Working the phones! It’s still your top sales tool, even in 2017.


Think long-term

When someone tastes my clootie dumplings I know they’ll be back for more. It’s not just the quality but their consistency. It doesn’t matter what Aggie’s offering (and her dumplings are way too soggy!) because my customers know they’re always going to get a good buy from me – I make sure every deal has a built-in potential (like a free scone) to attract repeat custom.


Just be good

Integrity, loyalty, transparency . . . ach, there are many words to describe the virtues of a really good sales person but it all boils down to just one thing: being a good person. Sales is all about trust – if your customers trust you and your dumplings, you’re onto a winner.


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