How to hit the on switch when gadgets fail

If you work in customer service for one of the major electrical brands, you’ll know all about dealing with complaints.

blogimagesaug16_Customer 2According to recent surveys, some of the swankiest appliances are prone to faults and breakdowns, while old-fashioned TVs and fridges with no fancy gadgets or designer looks are among the most reliable.

Understandably, when their laundry is trapped in a never ending spin cycle or the new dishwasher takes a shine to the kitchen floor, customers get upset.

So it takes a special type of customer service professional to keep their cool while the person on the other end of the line is rapidly losing theirs.

Thankfully, on any one day on s1jobs you can find vacancies for customer service advisors who not only know their electronic appliances but also have the communication skills and calm nature to deal with people when they are upset.

Why? Because they’ve been through it all themselves.

“After having several customer service jobs while I was a student at university, I now never loose my temper with anyone,” says Jane Grant from Renfrew.

“I recently had a problem with my cooker and was getting passed around several departments, knowing what happens from being on both sides of the line so I was able to remain firm yet polite and eventually everything was resolved.”

Hannah Brown, who has been at the sharp end of an electronics company customer service department for five years, adds, “I find the best way to calm someone down is to really listen to them and reflect back the key points that they are making.

“It’s important to remember that often they have tried and failed to sort the problem themselves, so they are already frustrated by the time they lift the phone to make a call.

“I never put up with abuse, but I do put myself in the customer’s shoes and let them know I’m on their side.

“I then stick with the call until the problem is resolved and I make a point of following up complaints so that I can ensure there is a happy outcome.”

This professionalism has earned Hannah several promotions but she says she is just doing her job.

“I recently had a problem with my mobile phone and felt my temper flaring while I was trying to sort it out. It happens to all of us but, so long as both sides are working towards the same conclusion, everything can be solved in the end.”


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