Hobbies to boost your career

How can you improve your career chances in medicine? Well s1jobs is a great place to start – with openings for nurses, doctors and specialists in many medical sectors.

Medical_1_small_circleBut how else can you take the next step up the ladder? By taking up a hobby of course.

It turns out that what you do outside the workplace makes a big impact on your professional life.

“It gives you a sense of mastery. You’re developing new skills, new thought processes and really challenging yourself to learn something new and develop your skill set,” says Dr Kevin Eschleman, an assistant psychology professor at San Francisco State University who led a study on the correlation between hobbies and job performance.

In his study Dr Eschleman found hobbies provide a variety of benefits that extend into the workplace, but surprisingly he also discovered the less relevant the activity is to the person’s profession, the greater the impact on workplace performance.

“Whatever the activity is you’re doing in your free time, it becomes incredibly more valuable if it’s different from what you’ve been doing most recently in your work environment,” he notes.

“People need to be mindful and aware of what resources they’re using in the work environment in order to recognise which resources they need to protect and refuel in their free time.”

So what sort of pastimes should you pursue in order to replenish your medical mojo? Here are a few to consider.



Deep beneath the waves there are so many incredible sights to enjoy that all thoughts of patients are quickly banished. Immerse yourself in an underwater wonderland and you’ll return ready to your practice ready to help anyone who walks through the door.


Horse riding

A strong bond between horse and rider is essential and that requires equestrians to develop intuition and strong non-verbal skills. Go horse riding regularly and you’ll get better at recognising what patients aren’t telling you directly.



Creativity and imagination are released when you apply paint to canvas, so explore your inner landscape while painting a familiar one out of doors. You’ll start finding better ways to treat illnesses as a result.



In a world of GPS, there are still many spots on the globe waiting to be explored. Step off the map and into the unknown and you’ll find charting your way through medical mysteries gets a whole lot easier.


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