Holiday hot spots to stimulate the mind

School’s out this month and it’s not only the kids who are celebrating. If you’re a teacher who’s looking forward to leaving your classroom for the summer, you’re also looking forward to seven weeks of total freedom.


So what will you do with all that free time?

Well, you could use some of it to check out the brilliant new teaching vacancies on s1jobs

And, since you chose to teach because you were fascinated by a subject, you could also use the time to visit somewhere that will reignite that spark.



Passionate about the past? Head to London where ongoing work on the massive Crossrail project has thrown a light on 8000 years of history. During excavations for the new Elizabeth Line, all kinds of archaeological finds have been discovered and you can see these for yourself at the Museum of London.



CERN is the large hadron collider buried beneath the French-Swiss border near Geneva. It’s being used by physicists and engineers to unravel secrets about the building blocks of the universe. Tours of the circular facility are available and when you’re not underground the views and food in this Alpine region will have your head in a spin.



France is the obvious destination for speakers of the language but if you fancy somewhere off the beaten track how about the Saint Pierre and Miquelon islands, which sit off the coast of Labrador? These tiny dots on the map are all that remain of the colonial territory of New France.



Follow in the footsteps of one of our greatest writers and head to Samoa, where Robert Louis Stevenson lived before his death in 1894. Getting there will be a bit of an expedition, but no greater than the voyages undertaken by the writer whose love of travel and adventure gives a salty tang to many of his works.



Why just teach about the violent upheavals caused by plate tectonics when you can head to the slopes of Mount Etna on Sicily and see them for yourself? Europe’s most active volcano has been spitting out rocks, gasses and lava this year so there’s every chance you’ll get to witness a fiery spectacle.



Are you still as fit as an athlete? Put yourself to the test by competing in the Islkar Norseman Xtreme Triathalon, which will be held in Norway on August 5. Run, swim and cycle your way through spectacular scenery and a unique environment 226km to the finish line.


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