Imagine a world without customer service

It doesn’t bear thinking about, does it? A world without customer service professionals could bring panic and anarchy to the streets overnight.

Small_Customer_Service_2This would be a world with no-one to call when your broadband crashes, the brand new fridge floods the kitchen or your car insurance premiums inexplicably rocket.

There are five customer service roles, in particular, that keep the world spinning and we simply could never do without. 

Customer service advisers

These are the frontline foot soldiers who deal with challenging issues in many sectors yet are always happy to help.

They’ve been specifically trained in the needs of a company’s customers and they’re the first people we meet, call, or email when we want to resolve an issue.

They bridge the gap between customers and company and without their warm welcome and friendly advice we’d be left frustrated and completely in the dark.


Insurance experts

We all need insurance for cars, homes and holidays but what would we do without someone to sort through the confusing paperwork and all the options on offer?

Well, we’d probably pay for grossly overpriced deals because we don’t have the training or insight into how the market works.

Offering insurance sales and advice takes skill, patience and training because these customer service pros need a full knowledge and understanding of their products.


Language specialists

It’s a big, beautiful, multi-cultural world out there with thousands of different languages and dialects.

Non-English speakers need access to customer service support here in the UK and in a global world call centres desire multi-lingual advisers to reach out to client bases in other countries.

Without the support of these linguistically gifted professionals, we may as well all be speaking Teletubbian.


Sales professionals

Whether on shop floors or on the telephone they are fountains of knowledge for customers.

Of course they’re trying to sell something – that’s the point – but when investing money we always walk away happier when the sales person has shared everything they can about their goods and services.

Whether outbound, inbound or face to face, such as in a car showroom, sales advisers aren’t just after our money – they really are helping us out.


Customer service managers

Management is key to customer service success, with team leaders organising and motivating so that advisers are always on their game.

Management roles in customer service require experience, knowledge and, most importantly, leadership.


Save the world from calamity with a top Customer Service role from s1jobs.