The importance of being proactive

How much do you love your car? Do you have photographs of it on your phone? And if – steady yourself now! – it has to go into the repair shop, do you worry about it like it’s a pet at the vet?

blogimagesaug16_Insurance 1Well calm yourself because insurance companies are taking steps to smooth the frazzled nerves of worried owners by sending them regular updates straight from the garage.

Colin Thomson from Bishopbriggs was distraught when his beloved Subaru Impreza Turbo was pranged in a supermarket car park.

“The claims handler at the insurance company was brilliant,” he says. “They arranged a courtesy car and I was happy enough to wait until my Scooby was back.

But then the texts started arriving, giving me information about the progress of repairs. Some of them had photographs of the bodywork.”

There was even a phone number for Colin to call in case he had any concerns.

“I suppose it’s all a bit over the top but if you really cherish your car you do find it reassuring,” he says.

Over the top or not, it’s as indication of how insurance companies are working harder than ever to deliver exceptional levels of customer service.

Competition is fierce so insurers know they have to stand out if they aren’t going to lose business to competitors when policies are due for renewal.

If you work in the insurance industry, you’ll know delivering a fast and efficient service is essential to keep customer loyalty.

You’ll know, too, customers have a range of ways to express their feedback with your company, such as email, SMS, Facebook and Twitter.

Friends of happy customers have more reason to become customers themselves, so the last thing you need is unhappiness being aired online.

And so it only makes sense for an insurance professional to use these channels to keep clients in the loop and keep them smiling.

Such proactive contact – where you call the customer instead of waiting for them to call you – really is the best way of building a strong and long-term relationship with your customers.

It also reassures them their happiness matters every bit as much as their money.

So, if you want to be a major player in this business, when applying on s1jobs for the role of account handler or broker, remember to show off your knowledge of proactive communication.


Be proactive now and seek out the best Insurance vacancies on s1jobs