Job Focus: The Credit Controller

If you don’t pay attention, you’ll pay too much!

A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist.

Small_Accountancy_2Yes, Granny Ina’s pearls of financial wisdom have served her well down the years.

But if they also chime with your own opinions on finances, you might want to consider a career as a credit controller.

This is a numbers role that requires Granny Ina’s attention to detail and analytical approach, as well as a talent for being super-organised.

You also need to be fair yet firm – after all, it takes hard-edged business sense to decide when to give people money and when to say ‘access denied’.

Although employers will be expecting a good standard of education, there are no minimum qualifications and you can choose to work either in the commercial credit sector, working on loan arrangements for businesses big and small, or in consumer credit, where you will be dealing with the public.

So what does a day in the life of a credit controller look like?

Essentially, you’ll be deciding whether to loan cash as well as managing the accounts of existing customers.

In practice this means you’ll be kept busy every day checking customers’ credit ratings with banks then deciding whether or not they should be offered funds.

The next step is to set up the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Granny Ina loves this part, Grampa Jack not so much as it usually means promising to mow the lawn or paint the shed in exchange for his beer-at-the-bowling money.

Usually, this is a nine-to-five weekday role but the good news for mums and dads looking for a flexible job that can accommodate childcare is there are often part-time positions on s1jobs.

And remember it’s not just about crunching numbers. In even the biggest deals, people are at the heart of every financial transaction and in this job you’ll have the chance to chat to or meet with many different customers in a wide range of businesses.

The flip side is sometimes you’ll need to have a thick skin – if a customer misses their payments it’s your duty to look at relevant debt recovery procedures or even kickstart legal action. Ouch!

With such challenges, however, come suitable rewards and even a starting salary can quickly reach a healthy £25,000. Now there’s a figure worth looking at.


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