Job Focus: Top Tips for the Mobile Developer

Just about anything can be done on the move these days.


Online banking, news updates, social media, gaming . . . Need to do it on the move? There’s a mobile app for that.

Chances are you’re reading these very words on a mobile device, such as your phone or tablet – and with a whole new generation of mobile-only users coming on-stream, top notch developers are needed to ensure mobile platforms are fully up to speed.

In fact, the demand for mobile software developers is red hot right now.

Just a quick glance on s1jobs reveals a wide range of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as large corporations, seeking highly skilled mobile developers to adapt websites or upgrade to one-finger-one-thumb usage.

What’s it all about? Essentially, a mobile app developer chooses the operating system they will develop for, such as Google’s Android or Apple’s iOS, then uses the programming languages and software development environment for that platform.

Many mobile-focused developers will bring practical experience to this role, however many organisations are also happy to consider new candidates with a foundation in computer science, including a related technical degree.

So, if you want to get into the fastest growing career sector in IT, what do you need to know to make sure your name stands out at the interview stage?


You need to know how and why

Successful mobile developers understand in detail not only how apps work best but also the reasoning behind them – and that’s the return-on-app investment. In other words, it’s crucial to show your interviewer how your IT talents are going to help their company’s bottom line.


Break down the barriers

You should be able to think for yourself but being a team player is equally important. Every project will rely on collaboration at many levels, including discussions with clients. This means the best mobile developers must be able to drop the ‘geek speak’ and discuss the ins and outs of cutting-edge technology in a way even Granny Ina can easily understand.


Stay sharp at all times

They move so fast not even Usain Bolt can keep up with tech developments in IT. This means the forward-thinking mobile developer needs to keep apace of every industry update and spy out future trends. Above all, it pays to stay fluent in mobile-technology languages.


Now get your career on the move with top IT roles from s1jobs