how jobseekers use AI

How jobseekers use AI

AI is not just a tool for employers, job seekers can also harness AI technologies to improve their job search and increase their chances of employment. 97% of Fortune 500 companies use applicant tracking system (ATS) software, an automated system that screens candidates for keywords. So, is it ok for jobseekers to use AI?

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Using AI to find a job can make the process faster and more efficient. Jobseekers can:

  • Quickly tailor their CV to the opportunity.
  • Instantly critique their grammar, spelling and tone of voice.
  • Optimise their CV to beat what the ATS bots are looking for.

Do jobseekers use AI?

In a survey of jobseekers, 82% mentioned that they have never used an AI tool to aid in crafting their CVs or other aspects of the job application process.

21% of professionals intend to incorporate AI tools in their future job applications, with a higher adoption rate among younger individuals.

24% of 18-24 year olds and 11% of over 50s have used AI for job applications, showing a stronger uptake in younger people using AI tools.

Adoption of AI tools by jobseekers

Canva’s AI-powered Magic Write tool for CV templates was used five million times. Grammarly has attracted 30 million users to its AI Resume Skills Generator. 50% of job seekers today are using AI tools to improve their CVs. 45% of job seekers have used generative AI to build, update or improve their CVs.

Jobseekers who have used AI tools

When asked, did you find applying for jobs more successful when using AI assistance? 51% said no and 49% said yes. 59% of job seekers are getting hired after using resumes and cover letters written by ChatGPT.

Are job seekers using AI accepted by hiring managers?

90% say that using generative AI in application materials is acceptable. 44% say it’s OK to use AI to create content related to the interview process. 67% believe they can tell when they are reading an AI-modified CV.

Looking to improve your CV without AI? Use our CV advice –  How to write a CV & Cover Letter to stand out!