When leaders don’t go by the book

There isn’t a day goes by when the Leader of the Free World doesn’t surprise his fans and astonish his foes with some outrageous policy statement.

Executive_1_SmallOften it’s not the content of Mr Trump’s carefully constructed policies – aka tweets – that are astounding.

It’s more often the case that the worlds of politics and business are simply not accustomed to leaders who don’t go by the book – even when it’s a pop-up one.

So is there ever a good reason to ‘go off the ranch’?

In other words, can occasionally being a maverick actually build your career and boost your business?

We think there are advantages to be found in galloping solo into your big dream – so long as you don’t venture too far from the homestead without your faithful compadres.


Embrace unbridled passion

No, not in a Mills & Boon way. We’re thinking more Lone Ranger astride his trusty steed Silver.

If you have ambitions to be CEO and lead a company into global domination, sometimes you have to lead the charge there yourself.

But the best way to make sure everyone else is still following behind you is to motivate them to do so with the strength of your own enthusiasm and vision.


Don’t be afraid of doing it your way

It doesn’t matter whether your business is selling party balloons or engineering multi-million pound satellites, an indecisive leader is an ineffective businessman . . . whose business will come back to earth all too quickly.

This is where having a maverick streak can work for you.

Just ask entrepreneur Elon Musk. Did everyone tell him his SpaceX programme was lunacy? Yes. Did he go ahead and do it anyway? Yes. Did he finally succeed? Haven’t you bought your tickets for Mars yet?


Let’s just be honest about this

If it’s broken it’s okay to be the one who points to the Emperor with no clothes. When everyone else is staying shtum, you’re bold enough to show everyone what’s not working.

Let’s say the top tier-approved company strategy has veered off-rail faster than a Wild West steam train because colleagues and managers aren’t fully onboard with it?

Being honest about this makes it easier for everyone to deal with. That’s a much better approach than sitting in the first-class coach dreading the crash.


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