Let’s put the Happiness into HR

HR is meant to be fun. Forget Human Resources or Human Relations. HR actually stands for Happiness Rules.

Small_Circles_CirCles20180314_HR_2Why so? Because after all of the employment law lectures, procedural training and staff induction programmes, the best way to recruit, retain and continually motivate employees is to instil a sense of happiness in their workplace.

Thankfully, there’s no need to hire the Chuckle Brothers to achieve this.

Just follow these simple steps.


Free yourself to enjoy work

Swap all that red tape for ticker tape: yes, let’s have a parade! No, we’re joking. There isn’t enough room for the decorated floats. But streamlining HR processes does enable you to march forward, free from repetitive and restrictive paperwork.

Just imagine how liberating it will feel to organise and control paperwork online without being tied down by bureaucratic procedures?


It’s all about the laughter

When it comes to training and development choose fun activities not boring interviews and questionnaires. Team building is a popular method but let’s up the ante here.

Instead of asking staff to pretend to be a colleague or customer, create a more engaging scenario. Our favourite is telling everyone they’ve been marooned on a desert island and must now find ways to be saved.

It’s perfect for building bonds, promoting leftfield thinking and having good old-fashioned fun.

Just don’t let Simon from accounts go all Rambo on everyone.


Be a matchmaker

Nothing makes folks happier than being in love. Unless you’re Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux, of course. Right now love is pure rubbish.

But if you can match employees to their perfect role, starry-eyed contentment is almost guaranteed.

Look to match talents to where they have the best impact and introduce upskilling where needed.

Bear in mind, however, an HR Manager should not be unrealistic in their ambitions for staff: not everyone is or wants to be management material.

Sometimes happiness is found in a more simple yet rewarding role.


The small things in life

Finally, never underestimate the power of free tea and chocolate biscuits for elevenses. And fresh coffee, of course. Oh, and Friday afternoon doughnuts. They may seem little treats but they all add up to an atmosphere of conviviality.

It’s not just food and drink, of course. Happiness can also be found in on-site fitness classes, weekly prize draws and, our favourite, occasional half-day Fridays – guaranteed to bring happiness!


Happiness is . . . finding your dream job in HR with s1jobs.