Listen to the listeners? Hear, hear!

Around one million people in the UK are now employed in call and contact centres, working for companies big and small.

Call_1_SmallBut what’s life really like on the frontline? Are staff satisfied in their roles and do senior management recognise their contribution?

Well to answer these questions and more, the Call Centre Association has been probing into the state of the industry with a major new study.

It’s been listening to the people who spend their time listening to customers and sorting out issues – and it asked them what they like most about their work and if they have any issues of their own.

It has charted their morale, looked into training and opportunities for promotion, and asked managers what extra support they need to best do their job.

What the report has revealed is that staff are well trained, dedicated and effective, with a commitment to teamwork and solving problems.

It also discovered that, by constantly listening to customers and interacting with them, call and contact centre staff have a unique insight into their organisation’s products and services.

They know what works and what doesn’t, where problems are arising and what answers are most effective.

Now the bad news: sometimes this invaluable insight is not being harnessed because staff have no way of feeding back information to the people who make decisions.

That’s why the CCA is now calling on companies to tap into this knowledge and put in place lines of communication that will allow the business to benefit from staff feedback.

Yes, it wants organisations to start listening and using insights to deliver better products and improved services.

Not only will this benefit customers but it will also give employees an added sense of satisfaction knowing their input is valued by their company.

The report also predicted the work handled is set to get more complex and it will take high levels of empathy, problem-solving, data analysis and decision making skills to do the job.

Sounds like you? Excellent, because you’ll be joining an empowered workforce, who feel valued and best placed to deliver the proactive support customers need.

The message for employers is clear: listen to what staff on the frontline are telling you then act on their suggestions.

The message for anyone considering the latest call and contact centre vacancies on s1jobs is just as loud: prepare to feel like a vital part of the company and share in the rewards.