March of the Millennials

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Many employers are concerned the oil and gas industry is not glamorous enough for millennials, that too-cool-for-skool group predicted to take up 35% of the global workforce by 2020.

oil2Thankfully, you don’t need to be a latte-sipping hipster to realise just how diverse this industry really is, with attractive jobs ranging from software developers to engineers to HR managers.

This means securing a role in oil and gas doesn’t always mean donning a hard hat and working far out at sea on a rig.

Here are a few reasons why you could be the ideal candidate for an oil and gas role on s1jobs.


You’re good to go

A study in 2015 found millennials are more highly educated than previous generations, with a good proportion having university degrees or other qualifications.

This makes you ideal for employers wanting to tap into different skill sets, creativity and intellect.

Your know-how will make breakthroughs in oil and gas and you will help companies evolve and work around future challenges the industry may face.


You’re up to speed

With the oil and gas sector one of the most tech-heavy out there, it makes sense the best people for the jobs are the ones who grew up with technology and spend the majority of their time working with software and hardware.

Robotics and artificial intelligence are tools the oil and gas industry is implementing to help enhance performance and efficiency and profits.

When it comes to using such science, who are they going to call? You!


You’re hard wired in

Recruiting digital natives such as yourself to assist with and develop technological advances is the fastest way forward for the oil and gas sector.

Millennials love the opportunity to solve problems quickly and efficiently, which means if new machinery or software is put in play, it will be active quicker than ever with you on the team.


You’re flexible

Millennials are known to be job-hoppers, one day wanting to be a lawyer and the next an astronaut for Elon Musk. But if you find a job that offers plenty of opportunities to climb the career ladder, you’re more likely to stick around.

Thankfully, the oil and gas industry offers lots of chances for promotions and raises. So dig right in!


From engineers to tax advisors to translators, find a role in Oil & Gas that suits your millennial muse with s1jobs.