A new year resolution to help customers

January is the month when resolutions and reality collide. It’s when we face up to our bad habits and vow to make amends for the worst.

Call_1_smallTop of the list to tackle are health and wealth, but in the depths of winter, when the temperature rarely gets above a penguin’s hip flask, thoughts also turn to sun-kissed beaches.

All of this means call and contact centres dealing in these sectors are certain to be at their busiest.

Here’s a quick guide to our four favourites.



Land a call centre job for one of the national gym groups and you’ll have a proper workout in January. It’s now membership soars as people who’ve been cooped up over Christmas promise themselves this is the year they’ll change their lifestyle and finally get fit.

Expect to have lots of discussions with customers about the differences between full and off-peak memberships, the number of trained instructors and the average temperature of the hot tub.



When it’s cold and miserable we need something to look forward to and what could cheer us up more than the promise of a summer holiday?

As a contact centre agent in the travel sector you need to be at the top of your game – up to speed on the best family resorts, singles destinations and couples cruises.

Your knowledge will go a long way to getting customers the holiday that’s right for them and, of course, have them come back next year.



On average, we gain a full kilogramme at Christmas and if we don’t take steps to change our lifestyle, that extra luggage won’t be lost. An organisation such as a slimming or weight loss club can be a first or last resort and clients will have a whole lot of emotions invested in getting it right this time.

Patience, empathy and understanding will help you answer their queries.



With the heating having been cranked up higher than Hellboy’s crib since November, January’s energy bills could be the highest of the year. Some customers simply want to discuss bills, renegotiate tariffs or switch providers. Others, however, will be hot under the collar and so an ability to remain calm while still doing your job for them will be essential. Do you have the power to succeed?


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