Put people skills before paperwork

With the exception perhaps of a getaway driver, there are few jobs that come without the need to fill out paperwork.

Social-1This is just as true in the world of social care and it can be frustrating when you feel people should be your 24/7 priority.

Thankfully, administrative tasks never get in the way of your real job – and for that it’s not admin talents but your people skills that are essential. Such as being . . .


A people person

We all think we’re people people but are there moments we want to hide in a cupboard and get away from everyone.

But when there are people depending on you for the most basic care you can’t bunk off.

Also, remember that people in real need will be more demanding than customers trying to return a pullover without a receipt.

So think seriously about your own personality before considering a career caring for others.


A talker

Good communication is the absolute key to making life easy for everyone.

In this case, as well as being able to know what a client wants or needs, it means effective communication with other members of the wider social care team.

Communicating with colleagues is key, as is making sure all records and notes are up to date and can be shared (well, we didn’t promise the paperwork could be ignored).

Communication means listening as well as talking – after all, listening is the best way to learn about an individual and how you can help them.


A team player

Many people are solitary by nature – that doesn’t make them bad, they just don’t do well within a larger group of people. Think Incredible Hulk: very strong and a heart in the right place but not so great at parties.

Being a solitary super hero won’t work here, however.

Everyone needs to know their role in a wider social care setting – perform your role well but keep in mind the ultimate goals of the team.


A specialist

It can be tempting to “just help out” but meeting the needs of people in distress or who need long-term care and attention can only be achieved if everyone concentrates on their own specialist skills and assigned goals.

If you’re in the caring profession it makes sense to do what you can but straying into someone else’s area can hinder rather than help.


Share your people power with a social care role from s1jobs