Why perseverance ultimately pays off

New Year resolutions come. And they go. Disappearing faster than a margherita pizza on the third day of your diet.


It’s not only fitness regimes that falter. Maybe you’ve been trying to bring your company to the next level but always stumble at the last hurdle?

Or perhaps you’ve had your sights set on one of the Executive vacancies on s1jobs but can’t quite seal the deal?

You may be surprised to learn it’s not necessarily your strategy that’s to blame. Nor your skill set, work experience or industry knowledge.

Most probably it’s a lack of perseverance.

We all know the story of Robert the Bruce who learned from a spider, valiantly starting over again and again to build its web, and passed on to his soon-to-be victorious troops: ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!’

But more recent role models have shared the same message.

When he wasn’t conquering the solar system one Apple at a time, Steve Jobs, said: “I’m convinced about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”

So why do so many of us choose to give up too soon?

Find out by asking yourself what you would do in the following situations.


You’ve missed the mark and it’s back to square one. You . . .

  1. A) Give up. It’s obvious the market is too crowded and there are rivals more likely to succeed.
  2. B) Review what can be improved in your approach and begin again. At once.


What? 2017 already? Another year, another strategy needed. You . . .

  1. A) Put it off until next month. It will be quieter. You’ll be in a better mood.
  2. B) Begin brainstorming and line up your hitlist of opportunities for the year ahead.


You receive a scathing rejection letter. You . . .

  1. A) Persuade yourself you don’t know what you’re doing – so decide to leave it for now and let everyone else get on with it.
  2. B) Realise the advantage of not knowing is you must now think things through and do it the right way. And repeat until you get results.


Our simple quiz shows one sure thing: self-belief is the secret to perseverance. Isn’t it time you believed in yourself and moved from A to B?


Persevere your way to the top with Executive or Management roles from s1jobs.