The power of music to motivate

Who would have thought a flame-haired singer belting out Galway Girl would actually be beneficial at work?

But it’s true. According to research just published by LinkedIn and Spotify, Ed Sheeran has been voted the “most appropriate popular artist to play at work”.


The survey also found more than half (57%) of HR and recruitment professionals believe music motivates them in the workplace.

49% found office tunes had a calming effect while 40% felt more creative when listening to music.

Pop topped the charts as most popular musical genre (55%), although a surprising 15% of recruitment professionals picked metal as their top choice.

Sales pros were more likely to get their mojo on while listening to country (15%), while marketing teams like to roll with a spot of reggae (19%).

Rather alarmingly, some respondents confessed to using music to drown out the sound of their co-workers!

If you think your HR department is ready for some motivational listening, we’ve come up with our very own playlist of songs to boost your business.


Beautiful by Christina Aguilera

“You’re beautiful, no matter what they say!” Yes, the pop princess isn’t wrong. Don’t focus on negatives, focus on the positives. And when you’re confident in yourself pass this feeling of positivity on to your colleagues.


Not Afraid by Eminem

Rap may not have been given the thumbs up in the survey but who cannot feel cheered up by this little ditty? “We’ll walk this road together, through the storm. Whatever weather, cold or warm”. The really successful HR professional knows the value in supporting colleagues when they need help.


We Are the Champions by Queen

This golden oldie is guaranteed to bring out the best in everyone. It’s also a reminder that often the best way to improve is to learn the lessons from our mistakes: “And bad mistakes I’ve made a few, I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face – but I’ve come through”. Go, Freddy!


Shape of You by Ed Sheeran

Obviously, we couldn’t forget about Ed. This floor filler has all the ingredients to get the office pumped up for action – though best leave out doing shots and drinking fast. It’s especially good for the HR Manager who can belt out: “Come, come on now, follow my lead!”


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