Rejected? Get your mojo back!

Being dumped, passed over for the five-a-sides team, not getting an invitation to Megan and Harry’s wedding . . . rejection hurts.

Production_1_small_circleBut few things knock the confidence harder than being knocked back for a job. The CV that goes unanswered, the call for an interview that never comes or the rejection letter that lays out your unsuitability are all hard to stomach.

If you’ve been applying for manufacturing and production posts on s1jobs without success, it’s easy to beat yourself up.

But if you’re to succeed in your job search it’s important to ditch the ‘failure’ mindset and bounce back from rejection. Here’s how.


Don’t take it personally

Try not to read too much into your rejection – there are many other factors out of your control when it comes to hiring, such as timing, office politics and budgets.

Companies have specific employment criteria to meet and you simply may not have ticked all their boxes on this occasion.

For example, if you’re hoping to get a job as a process operative, success is more likely if you’re able to show technical knowledge, machine operation experience or have worked in a similar fast-paced environment.


Stop over-analysing

Don’t dwell on every little detail of your application. It’s easy to stew in your own disappointment but that’s not going to help you get the next job.

Ask for feedback from the company and for tips on what might have swung it for you – and take a look at your CV and covering letter to see how they can be improved.


Take a fresh approach

Sending out the same CV for a dozen different jobs may feel like covering a lot of ground but a more targeted approach yields better results. Tweaking your CV each time you apply for a job – making sure you match the candidate requirements – can work wonders for your success rate.

Make use of the filters on s1jobs to narrow down your search before considering whether to apply.


Review your direction

Rejection is a good time to review your career goals. Ask yourself whether being a production manager, planner or team leader is what you really, really want. Are you applying for jobs that are a strong match for your qualifications?


Finally, give yourself a pat on the back

You may be licking your wounds but it’s worth remembering you’re still one step ahead of the competition. Why? Because you’re about to check out the latest Production and Manufacturing vacancies on s1jobs.