s1jobs puts competition winner at the Heart of the action

Ever wondered what a day in the life of a radio presenter might be like? Well our lucky competition winner, Dane McBeth, got to experience just that.

dane 1 blogWe recently held a competition to win ‘A Day in the Life of a Radio Presenter’ in partnership with Heart Radio Scotland, who broadcast to over 420,000 listeners each week. After sifting through the entries, Dane McBeth was chosen as our lucky winner and visited the Heart studios on Thursday 13th of September.

Dane is about to begin a Postgraduate Degree in Broadcast Journalism and has been looking to gain as much experience and knowledge of how the industry works.

‘When I saw the competition it was too good an opportunity to ignore!’ says Dane of his decision to enter.

Dane’s day began at 7.30am, when he managed to brave the early start to sit in on the live Heart Breakfast Show with Robin Galloway and Adele Cunningham. After the show he then sat in on the planning session for the following day’s show with Breakfast Producer, Steve Courtney.

The amount of planning involved in the production of the show was a surprise to Dane and left him with a new admiration for the team:

‘I knew that putting together a daily radio show would involve some planning,’ he explains.

‘However, because of the fun, light-hearted nature of the programme you don’t ever consider how much work and effort actually goes into it when you’re just listening to the finished show.’

Dane was then able to spend some time with Senior Creative Account Manager, Jacob Chan dane 2 blogwho gave him an insight into the world of commercial production. This was his favourite part of the experience:

‘I got to work with Jacob Chan in advertising which involved reading over a brief for a doughnut company advert and then pitching an idea for it. It was a lot of fun getting involved in something hands-on and writing the script helped me understand the mind-set behind creating ads. The best part of the day was definitely hearing the genius voiceover actor that is Marc Silk bring the characters we had written to life, it was an unforgettable and hilarious experience.’

After his day with the team at Heart Radio, Dane has his sights set firmly on a career within the industry,

‘All going according to plan, by this time next year I’ll have a really good qualification and have built on my experience with Heart,’ Dane says.

‘I’m aiming to get a job in the radio industry and hopefully one day I can host my own sports show.’

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