
The Scottish companies leading the fight against climate change


All eyes were on Scotland recently as we hosted world leaders and advocates from all corners of the world during COP26, the two-week UN climate summit.

In the wake of this potentially world-changing event, the UK Government is encouraging global companies to join the UN Race to Zero Campaign, comprising of 120 countries committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions and eliminating their contribution to climate change by 2050, at the latest.

What is net-zero?

In the simplest terms, net-zero means achieving a balance between the greenhouse gases produced and put into the atmosphere versus those taken out. So, we will reach net-zero when the amount we produce is no more than the amount taken away.

Thousands of global companies are working hard to tackle climate change, improving their operations to achieve net-zero. Here are three Scottish companies that are reducing their environmental impact and helping Scotland lead the way for positive change.


Edinburgh Trams

Edinburgh Trams has joined the Edinburgh Climate Compact, a commitment made by Edinburgh’s leading businesses to make improvements to their business operations and support the city’s efforts in helping to decarbonise the planet.

Edinburgh Trams are pledging to create sustainable transport through ensuring:

  • The energy that powers their trams comes from a low-carbon emission supplier
  • Ample recycling options for their customers and employees
  • Water that is used to wash their trams is reused rainwater

The City of Edinburgh Council’s draft city mobility plan states that Edinburgh aims to become carbon neutral by the end of the decade. The Council also aims for George Street to be closed to vehicles by 2025 and the tram network extended by the end of 2030.

Trams are one of the most environmentally-friendly methods of public transport because:

  • They are powered by electricity, so they don’t produce exhaust fumes
  • They ease traffic congestion – especially in busy cities such as Edinburgh



abrdn, the global investment company, is a proud signatory to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. They are committed to reducing emissions from energy use by 2050 to help move us towards a greener society by securing 100% renewable electricity for their buildings and offsetting the emissions they have yet to eliminate.

abrdn are the largest active asset manager in the UK and passionately believe that large companies should be leading the way in helping the country speed up reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

abrdn are currently hiring for three vacancies for their headquarters based in Edinburgh.



If you attended COP26, you may recognise SSE as being one of the principal partners of the summit, alongside multinational brands such as Microsoft, Sky, and Unilever.

SSE is making a stand as one of the biggest players in the energy industry by setting a series of radical targets to lead their journey to net-zero across a variety of areas, including emissions, waste, and water.

“COP26 provides an opportunity for the UK to demonstrate global leadership in combating climate change and deliver a green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.”

Alistair Phillips-Davies, Chief Executive at SSE

Now that COP26 is concluded, we mustn’t allow the conversation around net-zero to be silenced. These Scottish companies are just a select few – of many – who are leading the way by setting targets and implementing sustainable actions.