Set off on a new career in accountancy

Accountancy is no walk in the park. To land a role then get yourself to the top of this business you’re going to have to pull on your hiking boots and prepare for a good old-fashioned yomp.

There are also quite a few pointers to consider even before setting off on your big adventure.


First you must decide whether accountancy really is for you. Do you enjoy working with numbers and have a keen eye for detail? Check. Can you solve sums and problems quickly? Check. Are you methodical and patient? Check.

So far, so good!

Second do you have an accreditation, such as a qualification from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)? Such a precious parchment is globally recognised and broadens your horizons to other countries. Erm . . . no?

That’s okay, if you’re not in possession of this passport yet the good news is you can apply to take the courses at any time, even while you work.

Now you must investigate which area of accounting you want to succeed in. Does bookkeeping or payroll administration take your fancy? Or perhaps management accounting or auditing?

For most specialisms you’re going to need the necessary skills in arithmetic but there are other qualities you can bring with you to ensure you have a competitive edge. These include excellent time management and a working knowledge of IT so you can produce reports and input data.

Discretion is important – you should be able to demonstrate you can keep information confidential.

An increasingly bigger part of some accountancy is acting as a business advisor, so when making a deal having a keen eye for investment opportunities – or indeed things to stay away from – will put you ahead of rival applicants.

Perhaps you already have some of these skills from academic studies or the sector you’re currently working in?

Having this kind of experience and knowledge will go a long way to proving you’re right for the job and ready for the journey ahead.

In fact, moving into accountancy from another sector is an acknowledged and well-trodden route for many.

Keep in mind, however, you’ll be expected to work extra hard to show you can handle a job in what can be a competitive sector.


Yes, those hiking boots will need to be sturdy!


Let your adventure begin with roles in Accountancy from s1jobs