Should your out-of-office be funny?

Out-of-office (OOO) replies are a simple yet essential part of professional communication. Their main job is to let people know you’re unavailable. Then point them in the right direction if they need help while you’re away.

Traditionally, these messages are kept formal and to the point, ensuring that your absence doesn’t cause any confusion or delay in communication. Whether for a holiday, a business trip, or a quick break, an OOO reply helps keep things running smoothly while you’re away.

Why you SHOULD have a funny out-of-office

  • Humanising Communication: A bit of humour in your OOO reply can make interactions feel more personal and relatable, helping to build stronger connections.
  • Brand Personality: In creative industries, a funny OOO can reflect your brand’s unique personality, keeping your voice alive even when you’re away.
  • Memorability: Humorous OOO replies are more likely to be remembered, making you stand out in a crowded inbox and leaving a lasting impression.

Why you SHOULDN’T have a funny out-of-office

  • Professionalism: Maintaining a professional tone in your OOO reply is crucial. Humour might not always be appropriate and can detract from the seriousness of your message.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Humour varies widely across cultures and what’s funny in one context might be confusing or even offensive in another.
  • Risk of Misinterpretation: Jokes or sarcasm don’t always translate well in written communication. A humorous OOO reply might be misinterpreted, potentially harming your professional image or causing unnecessary confusion.

Finding the Right Balance

  • Context Matters: Whether humour is appropriate depends on your industry, role, and audience. Creative fields might welcome it, but formal sectors may not.
  • Tone and Content: If using humour, keep it light yet professional. Ensure your message remains clear and respectful, enhancing the communication rather than overshadowing it.


Out-of-office replies can either stick to the tried-and-true professional format or inject a bit of humour, depending on your context. Humour can humanise communication, reflect brand personality, and make you more memorable. It’s important to balance it with professionalism, cultural sensitivity, and clarity.

By considering your audience, industry, and the message’s tone, you can craft an OOO reply that’s both effective and appropriately engaging. Ultimately, the right approach depends on finding the best for you and your situation.

If you feel like you need to put your OOO too much then it might be time to find a new job – search now!