From silly sausages to serious stars

On those rare occasions when a judge shows how far removed they are from the reality of everyday life, it always causes a giggle in the gallery.

Legal_1Who can forget the high court libel case when Mr Justice Popplewell asked:

“What is Linford Christie’s lunchbox?”

With red faces all round, the famous sprinter was compelled to explain about the contents of his Lycra shorts.

Or who recalls the copyright case involving footballer Paul ‘Gazza’ Gascoigne Mr Justice Harman asked: “Who is Gazza? Isn’t there an operetta called La Gazza Ladra?”

Thankfully, today’s legal eagles are more in touch with the real world.

In fact, when this year’s batch of new law students begin their studies this month they’ll include eight young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

They are the first ever beneficiaries of support from Lawscot Foundation.

This charity was set up last year by the Law Society of Scotland to offer financial backing for young people who’ve proved they have the determination to pursue a university education and a career in law, despite setbacks that would stop most of us in our tracks.

Among the applicants were candidates who had overcome difficult circumstances, including caring for parents, homelessness, poverty and being placed in care, yet still managed to achieve great exam results and gain a place at university.

According to Heather McKendrick, the Society’s head of careers and outreach, some of the young people awarded funding have been inspired to study law as a direct consequence of the challenges they faced in childhood, including frequent visits to court or the presence of family lawyers and social workers.

They have used their difficult start in life as a motivator to make changes – to pursue a career in the law and make positive contributions to society in the future.

The Lawscot Foundation’s contribution to the future of these young people is an impressive demonstration of social mobility in action. Opening up the legal world to entrants with direct experience of life’s difficulties can only benefit the profession and its clients – if you’re one of the lawyers driving forward their career through s1jobs, this is a cause definitely worth supporting.

Of course, if you’re looking to boost your own legal career, it’s also a tale to inspire and motivate you . . . if these students can do it against the odds, so can you.

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