Six of the best reasons to become a teacher

When Davey passed his National 5 exams he got a ‘Well done, son!’ from Mum and Dad and a new football top from Granny Ina.

What he didn’t get was a new laptop, mobile phone or games console – yet, if a recent YouGov poll is right, today’s parents will spend around £200 on gifts, holidays or days out if their little learners get good grades.

12June2017_151x151_Education_1  Here at s1jobs we’re all in favour of being rewarded for good work – but what about the teachers? Don’t they deserve more than a gold star for effort?

Well, much as they’d probably also like a spa weekend at the end of exam season, we reckon teachers do get small but meaningful rewards every day.

Here’s a reminder of the top reasons to become a teacher.


  1. Job satisfaction

Teachers witness the learning process first-hand. Seeing that look of satisfaction and accomplishment on the faces of students as they finally ‘get’ algebra, Shakespeare or quantum physics is a reward in itself.


  1. Personal relationships

A teacher builds lasting relationships with students and parents ­– a huge contrast to most jobs where you deal with customers or clients fleetingly but rarely get to know them. Teachers who see students every day, sometimes for years, see them grow and flourish.


  1. Respect

We all know today’s teachers have a tough job on their hands and with that comes respect and admiration, mostly from parents who know how difficult their kids can be. Even students have been known to show grudging respect for their mentors.


  1. Appreciation

At primary level this can be especially useful, especially when the wine rack or chocolate tin are nearly empty. The last week of term usually sees teachers struggling home with armfuls of gifts that will see them through the summer holidays.


  1. Mutual learning

Teaching is a two-way street – sure, you teach kids stuff like geography and modern studies but you learn from them too. Whether it’s a surprising interpretation of Romeo and Juliet or keeping you up to date with Made in Chelsea, students can surprise, entertain and educate.


  1. Laughter

Yes, teachers really do have lots of laughs. Whether intentionally or not, kids can be very funny and you’re guaranteed to have fun. You also get to store up loads of ‘You’ll never guess what wee Davey said today’ stories to entertain friends.


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