Social work career shifting

There’s nothing like a week of sun and sangria to recharge those work batteries.

The problem is we often come home with not only a suntan – and possibly a tattoo in the shape of a dolphin – but a restlessness and reluctance to return to work.

Small_Social_2Sometimes that feeling subsides, forgotten in the hurly-burly of appointments and unanswered emails, but sometimes it can continue for weeks or months, signalling it’s high time for a career evaluation.

For social workers who want to get their work mojo back, there are ways of finding it again without leaving the profession for good.

A look at the vacancies on s1jobs is a good place to start and to relight your fire you might also want to consider these top tips.


Go in new directions

Recognise that ploughing the same furrow for decades isn’t always good for you, or your clients. Switching teams, client groups or sectors can do wonders for your emotional wellbeing as well as career development.


Pat yourself on the back

Write a checklist of your skills and it will certainly surprise you. You’ll have knowledge of the law, analytical and assessment skills, emotional intelligence, communications skills and be a team player. They’ll all stand you in great stead when it comes to moving in a new direction.


Get on a learning curve

If a career shift is what you’re planning, start learning new skills that will help you down the line. At work get experience of management, policy or fundraising, and bid writing. Outside of work consider volunteering opportunities.


Don’t put up barriers

It’s easy to feel stuck in rut and unable to see the where your skills can take you. For example, someone who has worked in child protection for many years can make the switch to adult care – it might just take a mind shift to get there.


Broaden your horizons

If you do decide to head for a complete career switch, there are plenty of alternative roles to enjoy. Lecturing, care inspector, probation officer, family court advisers, care home managers are just some of them.


Have no regrets

Remember what you brought to the sector: knowledge, compassion, patience, advocacy and how you helped improve the lives of others in your own small way. Not everyone gets the opportunity to do that in their daily lives.


Now let’s get started with the latest social services/housing/childcare vacancies from s1jobs