Your specialism needs you!

Sometimes life can feel like a series of decisions. A night out on the town or a box set binge? Cook dinner from scratch or call in a takeaway?

Of course, some decisions are more important than others – yes, even more important than penne Arrabiatta versus pizza.

sm_LRGcircles9Oct2017_Small_Accountancy_2For instance, when it comes to planning your career, it can be good to go with the flow. At other points you will have to choose between different paths.

For a fledgling accountant, the biggest decisions tend to be early in your career – as you approach qualification as a chartered accountant you’re likely to make the biggest decisions on your future path.

So what is your ‘sliding door’ moment and which way will you go? To help you decide, here are some of the most popular specialisms that could be calling out for you.


Commercial Finance

If you have a strong business acumen as well as good analytical skills, working in a commercial environment could be a good fit. You’ll get to experience the cut and thrust of the commercial world, while flexing your specialist skills.

Sectors such as retail, leisure and manufacturing all require commercial finance managers to analyse the performance of goods and services and advise on ways to maximise profits.


Forensic Accounting

If you love getting to the bottom of a mystery, forensic accounting could be for you. Forensic accountants are often called in when there is a dispute or suspected misconduct and the company needs to work out any losses.

The ability to stay cool under pressure is a must. It’s likely you’ll have to present your findings to managers so being able to convey your finding clearly is also important.


Internal Auditing

An internal audit allows a company to see how it’s being run and if any areas of the business are operating in an inefficient or risky way. The ability to burrow down into the finer details of finances is essential, so you’ll need an eye for detail. Good communication skills are also important as you may have to report unwelcome findings.


Tax Advice

As a tax adviser you could be working on corporate tax for a business or on private client tax for an individual. You can work on a one-off basis to resolve a specific tax issue or you could have an ongoing arrangement to address various tax-related issues all year round. Either way, a high level of numeracy and a flair for problem solving are required.


This is an exciting time and you’ve plenty of options. So for more inspiration and to find your true calling, check out opportunities in Accountancy with s1jobs.