Spring clean your career

There’s nothing like the end of winter to get us making plans faster than Donald Trump can speed dial his bedtime cheeseburger.

Marketing_2_SamllNow we’re out of hibernation and into Spring, there are fleeces to banish to the back of the wardrobe, summer holidays to consider and fitness goals to reach.

This is a time of new beginnings, optimism and change – and a time to decide if you need a career overhaul.

But before you springboard into s1jobs, it’s important to identify your direction of travel.

You need to decide what changes you want to see: whether to aim for a marketing promotion, work smarter or try out a different area of specialism such as digital.

Once you’re focused on what it is you want, it’s easier to plan for change.


Update your CV

It’s not only our homes that need TLC after winter – CVs need dusting off too. Add in your current role and update your achievements as these constantly change.

How about adding in details of that big account win at Christmas and the role you played in bagging it? If you’re looking at a change of career direction, rewrite your CV to include relevant experience at the top.


Come into the light

We’re all guilty of scuttling off home after work in winter and not making the most of networking possibilities but longer days and lighter nights change all that. Meet up with business contacts or colleagues or connect with a former boss on social media. They might know of potential opportunities.


Talk to your boss

Before you consider jumping ship, it’s always worth having a career conversation with your line manager. Any boss worth their salt will go out of their way to assist a valued employee in achieving new goals, if it means keeping them within the business.


Edit your work wardrobe

This might seem a minor consideration but our clothes have a big impact on our mood and performance at work. Chuck out those shirts with the thinning collars and skirts with frayed hems and invest in smart pieces of clothing. They’ll make you feel more confident and that’s exactly what you need when job hunting.


Learn a new skill

Is there a qualification or skillset you feel is missing? Do you want experience of content writing? Dealing with press contacts? Event organising? If you’re unlikely to get this in-house you could try an evening class or online course.


Spring into action and check out the latest Marketing and PR vacancies on s1jobs.