How to support your team

social 2Often in care work it takes a one-on-one relationship to understand the vulnerabilities and issues a client may have.

Only then can solutions be offered and a path to healing be created.

But while working on your own initiative is constructive, it takes teamwork to build sustainable and workable care programmes.

And all the best teams are made of teammates who look out for one another.

Whether you’re a social worker, care assistant or therapist, there are many excellent ways you can support the team.

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I’m all ears!

Not in a flying Dumbo way. Simply being there to listen if a colleague is feeling challenged by a situation or stressed by their workload can mean the difference between a good day’s work and a bad day at the office.

Think of it as taking your excellent social care communication skills and using them to help your co-workers.


I’m all teeth!

Yes, that’s the big smile right there. Having an air of positivity can be infectious among the team. So when colleagues are frustrated by the jungle of red tape they must fight through, remind them they’re doing an excellent job.

Pick up on the goals they’ve achieved that day and turn the focus back to moving forward with renewed gusto.


I’m all hands!

. . . on deck. When the going gets tough and the good ship hits rough seas, mucking in to help steer not only supports the team, it makes sure there is a continuity of service for clients. Take a few calls, source some information, go out and buy lunch. Whatever helps your co-workers today, will help you tomorrow.


I’m all legs!

Stamina is important in social care. One victory today doesn’t mean taking the rest of the week off. Vulnerable people need help every day, so this means having the legs to keep on going when others have finished their nine-to-five. It also means coming on as a willing sub, if the manager feels a colleague is flagging.


I’m all heart!

There’s no point in giving support, if your heart isn’t in it. But caring and sharing is why you love being in this job in the first place . . . so we know this is a given.


If you can be all ears, teeth, hands, legs and heart, check out the latest Social Services/Child Care/Housing vacancies on s1jobs.