How to survive the summer slump

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The sun’s shining, your mates are lounging by the pool in Ibiza but you’re stuck at your contact centre desk.

Call_2Working in an office during the summer months can be tough, especially in the rare event of Scotland experiencing a sunny spell like we’ve witnessed recently.

Productivity drops, motivation flags and everyone has the summertime workplace blues.

We want to make the livin’ easy for everyone this summer so here are s1jobs’ top ten tips for surviving the summer slump:


Relax the dress code

You may be working in Shettleston instead of Seville but adopting a more casual mode of dress can improve the office mood. Gents, ditch the tie – but please, not the socks – and, ladies, it’s finally time to put the ankle boots away.


Pack a summery lunch

Ditch your egg mayo roll for something lighter and fresher. Cold roasted veg with pasta or chicken with fruity couscous can transport you to warmer climes in an instant.


Take your lunch break outside

Make a point of getting out for a walk or read your book outside. Just ten minutes gets you a valuable dose of vitamin D and the chance to experience some outdoor sights and sounds.


Organise mini-games

You don’t need loads of kit only a bit of green space or even the office car park. Buy a cheap frisbee or bat and ball and have a quick game of rounders. You won’t get too sweaty and will return to your desk feeling like you’re a kid again.


Do an ice lolly run

Shake things up by offering to take ice cream or lolly orders. You might need to take a small cool bag into the office or you’ll be doing your best Usain Bolt back from the shop.


Switch to an open-air commute

If you normally come to work by bus or train, consider hopping off a stop or two earlier and walking the final stretch. For the more adventurous, summer is the perfect time to start cycling.


Schedule time off

If you haven’t booked an extended break, take the odd day here and there. Not only does it make for a shorter working week, you’ll come back rejuvenated.


Enjoy a taste of summer

Jazz up your bottle of office water with some summery flavours. Add pieces of fruit – strawberries, oranges, lemon – with some mint or basil for a refreshing change.


Plan after-work treats

Have something to look forward to when you clock off by making plans to meet with friends. Sit outside at a local restaurant or plan an open-air barbecue.


Consider a new job

If all of the above fails to put a summery spring in your step, maybe it’s time to start looking for a new position. The best place to start is by checking out the best Call and Contact Centre vacancies on s1jobs.