Take off in a digital direction

Millions of years into the future archaeologists will be digging up the fossils of digital dinosaurs.

They’ll no doubt go on display in a virtual reality version of the Kelvingrove alongside the mighty T-Rex – such is the speed of today’s digital progress, anyone not prepared to keep up is at risk of becoming a museum exhibit.

smcircles_20170921_Production_1Being digitally dormant is no longer an option for businesses involved in production and manufacturing.

There’s even been a call for a new digital chief for Scotland to be appointed by the Government to ensure we reap the opportunities offered by new technologies.

Going digital can mean different things to different companies. It could be the use of digital tools, such as prototyping or simulation software, more automated processes, online paperwork or a bigger, better online presence.

Sometimes it’s all of these things.

But having some digital direction or strategy is vital – like having someone who can show you round IKEA against the flow of shoppers on a busy bank holiday.

One way of doing this is with the help of a digital strategist, someone who can bring fresh focus to a business. 

Here’s a taste what a digital leader can do.


Offer a digital vision

You know when you get a new pair of specs and, whoa, suddenly everything is so much clearer – that’s a digital specialist for you. They have the clarity to see the road ahead, setting out the scope for change, advising on data and calculating how much investment is needed.


Understand the impact

Working with the production manager, digital should flow seamlessly through an organisation and this requires joined-up thinking. It’s no good launching an online tracking system if production operatives are struggling to get deliveries out of the door.


Consider the risks

A digital strategist can help answer questions such as how soon will investment be recouped? Will change impact the supply chain as well as support service capabilities?


Engage with employees

Embedding a digital culture takes time and some employees respond better than others. Any digital dinosaurs found hiding under the table in the canteen need to be brought up to speed.


Share excitement

The enthusiasm for digitalisation needs to be contagious. Fostering a new atmosphere of innovation in which everyone – from the factory manager to the apprentice assembly line worker – wants to play a part can be a huge business boost.


For digital opportunities and all the latest Production & Manufacturing vacancies visit s1jobs.com