Take your inner child to work

Never mind growing up, it’s time we grew down. We don’t mean having tantrums over who ate the last office doughnut or coming to work in wellies to run through puddles at break time.

No we mean viewing the world through a toddler’s eyes.

Small_Social_2A new book by Paul Lindley called Little Wins: The Huge Power of Thinking Like a Toddler suggests we can rediscover some of the creativity, imagination and determination we’ve lost by becoming adults.

If you work with children, as an early years practitioner, foster carer, social worker, or childcare supervisor, you’ll know how creative, imaginative, fearless and single-minded kids can be.

You’ll also know how we sometimes lose those qualities as we age.

So here are our suggestions for viewing the world of work like a child.


See everything anew

Kids love a new day because it means the start of endless possibilities. Adults, however, sometimes only see the difficulties – like the tough morning commute, long case study meetings or getting to the shops before they close. See each day like a clean slate and you might be surprised how much enjoyment you can find in it.


Don’t be afraid to change your mind

Why not? Toddlers do it all the time. Give yourself permission to change your mind about a problem, if you need to. Sometimes as adults we feel we need to stick to something just because we’ve said we would but it’s okay to change course.


Embrace positivity

Because so many experiences are new to kids they’re eager to try them. Not so for us adults. Don’t waste time and energy dreading what might come next when it might be exciting.


Lose the fear

Toddlers are life’s experimenters. They defy convention because they don’t know it exists. We’re not suggesting you start somersaulting off sofas or hiding in wardrobes but less agonising and analysis over difficult issues can be liberating. Don’t be scared to give something a try.


The simple joys

Just as a toddler can delight in a single purple crayon and a piece of paper (or a bedroom wall!), you can find some small joy in your daily routine. It could be the sunshine, that first sip of coffee in a morning or a delicious sandwich at lunch. You’ll be amazed how much more you smile – and this means those people you are helping through your care work will be more likely to smile too.


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