Technical evolution in the classroom

Technology has had a huge impact on society but the changes we’ve witnessed in the past two decades are nothing compared to what lies ahead.

Education_1_SmallOver the next few years robotics, big data and AI are all set to transform our world.

If you’re a teacher tasked with preparing today’s young people for life after school, you’ve a big job on your hands educating pupils for new ways of living and learning that haven’t even been invented yet.

Fortunately, help is at hand.

Glasgow Science Centre is putting together a major new exhibition that will prevent future shock.

Thousands of children, from pre-school age and upwards, visit the Centre every year and the exhibition, called Idea #59, is set to inspire a new generation of innovators, engineers and scientists by exploring, among other things, advanced manufacturing and precision medicine, as well as the Internet of Things.

Above all, the exhibition should help teachers set projects, plan lessons and talk to pupils about the many opportunities for learning and employment that future technology is set to bring.

And, while it’s important anyone inspired to look for a teaching post on s1jobs is aware big tech changes are happening in the classroom, no-one should panic.

There’s very little chance a robot, without your empathy, intuition and ability to react quickly to changing situations, will ever take your place at the front of the class.

Some things about school life will change, however, and Idea #59 should give you a greater insight into what these will be.

One theory is education will become more of a personal journey, as children will be able to access data to progress at their own speed.

Machines could be sufficiently sophisticated to ‘read’ the expressions on children’s faces, judging accurately whether they’re actually engaged in the subject or not paying attention – affirmative, that’s you at the back, Davie!

Some kinds of AI may even assist pupils with conditions such as dyslexia and dyspraxia to help them achieve their true potential.

Two things are beyond all doubt.

Lessons will become more interactive, immersive and engaging for all students.

Learning how to harness the full potential of tech will involve a bit a learning curve for teachers, too, and that could mean spending time in new technology classes yourself.


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