Ten Talents Every PA Needs

If you’re a member of a heavy rock band look away now.

Right, for those still here and interested in landing a top job in admin, let’s talk about the PA.

AdminCircles20171212_small_Admin_1No, not the Public Address system . . . hey, you’re supposed to be looking away!

We mean the Personal Assistant – aka private secretary.

This is the professional who provides administrative support to a senior executive or director.

It’s an important position but it takes ten top talents to be able to help a manager maximise their role.


  1. Organisation

You must be structured in everything you do. Being cluttered and haphazard may work in your own life but for the professional life of your employer, this won’t cut it.


  1. Flexibility

While organisation is important you need to balance this by being able to respond to challenging or changing situations as they arise.


  1. Accuracy

If your memos are as legible as a GP’s prescription and your diary dates all over the place, time will be wasted trying to figure out what you mean. Your mission is to make professional life easier so accuracy is everything.


  1. Learning

This isn’t just about recognising the way your boss likes things done but ensuring you are always seeking better ways of doing your job.


  1. Readiness

You may have a million and one things to remember already but you should always be prepared. Having a notepad with you is a handy way to ensure you’re always on top of things.


  1. Shorthand

It’s not essential but the skill of shorthand writing could put you ahead in your field. It allows you to take notes quicker and makes life easier if there are loads on at once.


  1. Attentiveness

Running out of little things like staples is not the end of the world but having attention to detail in even the small things makes life easier, neater and more organised.


  1. Mindfulness

Reminding the CEO of events in important clients’ lives or sending out a birthday card gives them that special personal touch.


  1. Discretion

Earn a reputation as the best person to keep a secret. Consider yourself the keeper of commercial sensitivity and personal reputation at all times.


  1. Uniqueness

You’re not a number you’re an indispensable partner – so formulate a new system of doing things your way that makes life easier for you, your manager and your company.


For a wide range of PA and Admin roles visit s1jobs.com