Ten ways to fit in fast

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Moving to a new school can be daunting – no, not for the kids, for the new teacher.

Whether you’re a fresh-faced NQT or an experienced pro, switching jobs in time for the start of a new school year in August can be nerve-wracking.

education1It takes time to get to grips with new head teachers, colleagues, policies, staff room politics . . . oh, yes, and the students.

But don’t let new job jitters put you off finding your dream teaching role on s1jobs. It’s possible to fit in fast. Just follow our top ten tips and your new position will soon feel as comfortable as your post-work joggy bottoms.


Make friends

Okay, don’t rush into chumming up with everyone in the staff room. It pays to give some thought to your friendship choices. Do, on the other hand, quickly make friends with admin staff, caretakers and catering staff – these are the people who will make your life SO much easier.


Don’t look back

Constantly referring to your old school is an absolute no-no. It’s a bit like talking about you’re an ex to your new partner.


Get savvy

Getting to grips with the reward and sanction system is a must. The students know it already and will use it to their advantage.


Start strong

Be fair but strict with the kids then ease off as the term progresses. It’s impossible to do it the other way round.


Keep your counsel

Each department has its own political tensions and allegiances. Until you get to grips with them listen to advice/gossip with a smile/pinch of salt.


Sort a seating plan

Organise who’s going where in each of your classes in the first couple of weeks. This way you avoid combustible combinations of students.


Stay focussed

When the going gets tough, remind yourself why you left your old job. It’s easy to look back on a previous post through rose-tinted glasses but focus on what you hope to gain from your new job.


Be patient

It’s easy to feel everyone has you under a microscope in those early weeks – the students, colleagues and senior management – but this will pass and soon you’ll feel part of the classroom furniture.


Don’t panic

If you’re feeling snowed under, remember the beginning of term is always the toughest as you get to grips with new timetables and syllabuses.


Enjoy yourself

Unless they have the sensibilities of Donald Trump, every teacher goes through this same nail-biting process . . . and come out the other side unscathed. So relax and enjoy your new job.


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