How to think like a lawyer


You have the sepia-tinted paperwork and obligatory Facebook photo of yourself throwing your cap in the air on graduation day.


But do you have what it really takes to forge a lucrative career in the legal world: can you think like a lawyer?

This isn’t as daft as it sounds.

You may have attained a deep knowledge of convoluted legal principles and practices, but unless you can fully adopt the mindset of a pro, you may find yourself floundering at the first interview.

Worry not. Here’s our quick guide to begin thinking like a lawyer.


Pretend you’re Elsbeth Tascioni

Did you know Ghandi gave up on law because he was too shy to speak up in the courtroom? The legal world’s loss was the wider world’s gain, but this underlines the need for self confidence in order to think like a lawyer.

Adopting the persona of Elsbeth Tascioni from telly’s The Good Wife, will help encourage confidence in yourself.

Yesterday when you imagined turning up for an interview, it was a scene of sweaty palms and severe anxiety.

Today, however, you’re Elsbeth and you do not know the meaning of this word ‘fear’. Your self-confidence fills you with authority and allows you to show off the skills and character that will land your dream job.


All together now: ging gang goolie!

Yes, like the best boy scout, a lawyer must always be prepared. Thankfully, studying for exams has given you plenty of practice here.

A successful lawyer will research every niche and nuance before a meeting or court date – similarly, you must prepare for your crunch job interview by learning everything you can about the firm.

Memorise the content of their website, research your interviewees with the precision of Hercule Poirot and rehearse your mock interview with the passion of Al Pacino.


Put everything in its proper place

When trying to kickstart your legal career, you cannot do your best work in unorganised chaos.

So create a brand new CV, you can find help in doing so at, do your industry and company research thoroughly and, above all, make sure you factor in enough time for yourself to relax the day before an interview.

This will give you an organised environment with a feeling of Yoda-like clarity and ninja-like control – meaning all your senses are now focussed on one thing: nailing the interview.


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