Three ways to sell yourself to the job

Happy days are here again! Yes, there has been a surge in the number of new jobs advertised in Scotland’s key cities.

In fact, the percentage of vacancies in Glasgow alone has risen higher than even those in London. Whoop, whoop . . . mic drop!

Small_HR_2Of course, this is great news too if you work in HR and Recruitment.

Want to join the masters who match candidates to perfect roles? First you need to learn the secrets of being a red hot recruiter.

Much depends on which sector you work in, but generally speaking these three core talents will make you a top recruiter.


You are a networker

Being interested in people is essential to being a great recruiter. If you always introduce friends to each other, love meeting new folk and are the hub of your social group, this really is the job for you.

It’s not all about the chat, chat, chat though. Being a great communicator is arguably more about listening than talking.

It’s sometimes not what they say but what their body language says that you need to listen to.

Being able to get a measure of a candidate and what motivates them will ensure you match them to the right role. After all, a mismatch will come back to bite you if they don’t work out in the job.


You are a Time Lord (or Lady!)

Only time-managing, multi-tasking marvels need apply for recruitment. Most businesses are buzzing, fast-paced environments where the phone never stops.

You’ll be dealing with multiple vacancies on any given day so you need to be cool as a cucumber in an ice bucket when under pressure.

Being an organised type means you can be consistent and reliable. If you call when you say you will and send details as you promised, you’ll make friends and influence people.


You are a persuader

Could you sell sand in the Sahara? There is a big overlap between skills used in sales and in recruitment and having a silver tongue definitely helps both.

In recruitment you’re showcasing a selection of top-notch candidates to your client and selling the business to job seekers.

Like all good matchmakers you need to highlight areas where interests match and make both parties realise they’re made for each other.


If you think you have what it takes, spot your next dream role at