Tick tock . . . it’s time for tech talk

The property sector is in a constant state of technical evolution, having built on the pulling power of front-lawn for-sale signs and print advertising and moved quickly to embrace comparison websites and mobile phone apps.

propertyIf you’re looking to build a career in this industry, keeping pace with emerging technology is all part of the bricks and mortar of the job.

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And with the market heating up as we move closer to summer, this is the right time to talk tech.

Let’s begin with a look at digital innovation and, in particular, the cloud. This is making real estate information not only bigger but accessible any time, any place, anywhere.

And far from presenting a data overload, it means life is much easier for property professionals. Working via online platforms, the cloud can pull together data from different sources to provide a complete workflow that offers all of the information an estate agent needs – saving precious time and allowing you to pass up-to-date details right here, right now to sellers and buyers.

Now let’s move into the wonderful world of virtual reality.

Imagine, if you can, taking potential buyers on a cyber tour of a house or apartment before they even go to view it.

Not only would this three-dimensional, interactive experience save precious time but, it would enable viewers to consider many more properties than previously possible. They might also enjoy arranging furniture in the rooms, choosing new colour schemes and décor options or even knocking down walls and adding extensions.

Maximising the potential of such cyber show homes should also make the estate agent’s job of selling a ‘blank canvas’ easier.

Another area where tech could soon impact the future of the industry is finance.

For years there have been legitimate concerns surrounding the potential for mis-selling, money laundering and general jiggery-pokery through real estate transactions.

Now, however, Blockchain, the technology that underpins cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, has the potential to create a decentralized database that ensures the integrity of transactions and could allow for records to be created for every property in the country.

This could reduce the risk of fraud and enable the industry to access valuable insights into properties and owners.

What will be the primary driver of change in this sector in 2019 and beyond? The truth is it may well be a technological innovation that hasn’t even been invented yet.

If you want to be at the forefront of this real estate revolution, kickstart your journey with a role in Property from s1jobs.