Upskilling can help sell your talents

Landed your first big deal? “Made it, ma. Top of the world!” Quite, but look what happened to James Cagney in that famous movie scene.

If you want to stay on top, on target and way ahead of the pack, there’s no time for lounging on laurels.

sales 2The only way to maintain your number one position, or even land that sales director role on s1jobs, is to continually upskill.

Nothing sells your talents better than ensuring you’ve learned the latest marketing techniques, harnessed the best ways to pitch and are fully up to speed on sales trends.


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There are many ways to do this but some are faster and more effective than others.


In-house training

If you’re considering applying for a new sales role on s1jobs, inquire about the possibility for in-house training.

Not only will this show your enthusiasm to become even better at your job, it will help you decide whether this company is a workplace where you will be able to advance your career.


Independent training

If Granny Ina can study Mongolian Yurt Decorating, then you can study advanced digital marketing – in other words, there’s a night class out there somewhere that covers everything you might ever want to know about sales.

Whether you choose to work online from home, in the comfort of your PJs, or by networking with like-minded sales pros at a local college, it’s well worth seeking out a further study option that suits your lifestyle.

And remember: around half of all students in Scotland qualify for a Part-Time Fee Grant.



There’s many a tale of a sales legend beginning their career by selling second-hand furniture from their garage or hawking LPs at the local car boot sale.

The fact is meeting people, engaging with them and honing your sales skills face-to-face is the best training you can have, especially when starting out.

Working part-time for a local charity is a great way to try this: not only will you get to meet lots of new people but you have the satisfaction of polishing your skills while helping others. A win-win for everybody.

And, of course, it looks great on your CV when applying for that dream role on s1jobs.


Check out all of the new career opportunities in Sales with s1jobs.