Use your career to help save the world

Sustainability isn’t a word that trips off the tongue but it’s on everyone’s lips right now.


Not a week goes by without the s-word being headline news.

It’s no surprise really – the need to live within the resources of our planet without damaging the environment needs to be acted on urgently.

Only last month the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) announced a new set of commitments to reduce environmental impacts, protect natural assets and contribute to a sustainable food system for the future.

By 2025 the aim is to cut CO2 emissions, food waste and water use and encourage more sustainable packaging.

It follows in the carbon footprints of the FDF’s Five-fold Environmental Ambition, launched in 2007.

Here in Scotland those sustainability targets will have an impact on all aspects of production and manufacturing, but especially the food and drink sector.

Our salmon-filled waters, world-famous distilleries and rich larder of produce will all have to be viewed within the new ‘Ambition 2025’ framework.

One of the by-products of this pledge might be more job opportunities for those with green credentials: our wonder men and wonder women.

Food manufacturers, waste processing firms, restaurants, energy and transport firms will all need to look at the impact of the targets.

Sustainability manager, environmental analyst, energy auditor, water resource planner, and performance consultant could be just some of the job titles appearing regularly on s1jobs alongside production operators and machine operatives.

Scotland already has many sustainability superheroes doing their bit to protect the planet but more are coming up through the ranks with many of our higher education institutions offering degrees in relevant subjects.

For example, Dundee University offers an MA in environmental sustainability and students at St Andrews can study sustainable development.

For many businesses, hiring a sustainability expert is about finding someone who can genuinely help them to do business in better ways that haven’t been thought of before. This requires someone who can innovate by unpicking problems and finding a novel solution. A sound knowledge of business is vital too – it’s no good wanting to save the world if you can’t read a balance sheet.

A degree is one thing but, as with most jobs these days, experience is a must – volunteering for a food waste project or a green initiative can help you earn your sustainability spurs.

Meantime, keep a close eye on s1jobs for all the new employment opportunities in Production and Manufacturing.