Which way now for transport engineers?

New York has plans to smarten up its subways – and we don’t mean the sandwiches.

blogimagesaug16_Engineering 2The city is to spend $27 billion on “smart carriages, with large gangways to minimise congestion and built-in Wi-Fi, USB chargers and digital displays.

London is also updating its tube system, while Glasgow has also been busy revamping its famous ‘Clockwork Orange’.

All are signs that job prospects for transport engineers are looking secure and the projects on offer ever more exciting.

Here we look at some of the biggest transport trends for automotive, design, civil and aviation engineers.


Wi-Fi enabled

Such is our eagerness to be connected – ‘Argh, it’s been a whole five minute since I last checked Facebook!’ – engineers are having to think about Wi-Fi when it comes to designing boats, planes, trains and automobiles.

British Airways recently announced plans to offer high-speed Wi-Fi in the sky through tech company Gogo.

To join this jobs revolution, you will have to combine your engineering skills with hi-tech comms know-how.



Creating intelligent transport systems has proved one of the best ways to improve cost effectiveness, increase fuel efficiency and limit vein-popping curses in rush hour traffic.

This sector of engineering includes using data from smart systems to work out traffic levels and schedule road works, as well as using smart concrete with bacteria to heal cracks and dents.

Okay, best add magic tricks to your s1jobs CV!


Smart fuel

Every day we see new and inventive ways from engineers to help limit our impact on the planet through the fuel we burn.

The Shanghai Maglev electric train uses less energy, has lower CO2 emissions and generates less noise pollution – all at a faster speed.

Then there’s zero-emission liquid hydrogen fuel in high-speed jets and rubbish-based bio-fuel in cars.


Self-driving cars

Pilots famously take a wee nap at 30,000 feet, so why can’t we?

We soon will. Software and train engineers have already developed self-piloted subway and train systems, which are more cost and fuel efficient, and cars won’t be long behind.

Ford is planning self-driving cars that communicate with each other as part of its Smart Mobility Plan for 2021.


Sky’s no limit

Aviation engineers allow us to travel not just to the other side of the globe but into space. Oh, and to the Costa del Sol for £65 return.

This field of engineering research is the pinnacle of scientific exploration and we can expect it to generate ever more magnificent planes and spacecraft.

What a time to be an engineer!


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