What’s for you will go by you. Here are 3 things you can do to kickstart your job search


Are you struggling with finding that dream job? Here are 3 tips to kickstart your job search today.


  1. Define your career goals 

This may sound obvious but really think about it. This is why so many of us struggle when we’re asked that dreaded interview question, “Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?” You know you’re itching for change, but do you know which direction you want to go? 

We tend to be very short-term thinkers in terms of happiness; we think in the here and now. To define your career goals a little deeper, you’re going to have to think very strategically – don’t rush this process. What kind of position do you see yourself working in when you visualise your future? What are you doing? Who are you working with? Where are you working? 

From here, define what specific skills are required to get hired for that job. 

From here, look for opportunities where you can develop these skills and gain more experience to get you there. If your goal is to eventually start your own non-profit business, why not consider volunteering a couple of times per week at a small charity? Gain valuable experience and knowledge by having conversations with people who are where you want to be. 

But remember, it’s okay to change your mind. Nothing is definite, nothing is forever. The average person will have 12 jobs in their lifetime (over 32 years), but you don’t have to be the average person. Don’t live your life based on a statistic, always trust your gut. 


 2. What skills are in demand right now? 

If you’re looking for that dream job to help you gain those skills and build on your experience, start thinking about what jobs are in demand right now.

Currently, vacancies within healthcare are at an all-time-high since the pandemic, inevitably. Hospitals and surgeries are calling out for employees in a variety of areas within healthcare including care workers, occupational therapists, GPs, and many more. 

Think about your goals, your current job, your industry and where you can look to making the next decision in your career to move closer to your five-year-plan.


 3. Make use of job alerts 

A simple, yet highly effective, tip for job seekers. Make use of this free and reliable job searching tool that almost all job and recruitment sites will offer, including s1jobs, where you can set alerts based on your preferences of job, employer, industry, core skill, and location. 

Search thousands of vacancies across all sectors now.