Winning, one customer at a time

It’s one of those days when the phone never stops ringing, the emails keep pinging and the queue is growing longer.

Customer_Service_1_SmallWhat do you do if it’s your job to give customers a sense of being valued and listened to but callers are angry about being placed on hold?

Or you work in a customer-facing role and the line of angry faces waiting to talk to you goes twice round the block?

Anyone who works in customer service will be familiar with such situations and there’s no doubt they can be challenging.

You want to do your best for everyone but there’s a sense of impatience and frustration among customers you have to get over first.

s1jobs is a great place to find customer service vacancies. Every one is different but, whatever the sector, they all have one thing in common: at times they get very busy.

In some places when this happens there are systems in place to route calls to other parts of the business, reducing waiting times for customers. The downside is customers don’t always get to deal with highly trained and specialised staff, which can cause its own difficulties.

So how do you handle customers on days when you’re run off your feet?

In a customer-facing role it helps to acknowledge everyone before concentrating intently on the person right in front of you.

The people behind may get impatient, but they’ll be less frustrated if you’ve made eye contact and given them a nod and they’ll recognise everyone in the queue gets your full attention when their turn comes around.

Online it’s possible to keep many text and email conversations going at the same time but there are limits to how many you can handle effectively, so recognise what you’re capable of and don’t be pushed into taking on more.

You might hit your targets but if you don’t find a successful resolution for each one, disgruntled customers will be back in touch.

And at the end of the day it isn’t how many customers you handle that counts but how many of their problems you resolve. Customers are less bothered about being made to wait if, when they finally get to speak, they feel they are being listened to by someone who cares.

So stay focused and don’t let a busy day put you off your stride. It’s your job to provide help . . . and you can only do that one customer at a time.

 For all the latest Customer Service vacancies visit s1jobs.



It’s one of those days when the phone never stops ringing, the emails keep pinging and the queue is growing longer.


What do you do if it’s your job to give customers a sense of being valued and listened to but callers are angry about being placed on hold?


Or you work in a customer-facing role and the line of angry faces waiting to talk to you goes twice round the block?

Anyone who works in customer service will be familiar with such situations and there’s no doubt they can be challenging.

You want to do your best for everyone but there’s a sense of impatience and frustration among customers you have to get over first.

s1jobs is a great place to find customer service vacancies. Every one is different but, whatever the sector, they all have one thing in common: at times they get very busy.

In some places when this happens there are systems in place to route calls to other parts of the business, reducing waiting times for customers. The downside is customers don’t always get to deal with highly trained and specialised staff, which can cause its own difficulties.

So how do you handle customers on days when you’re run off your feet?

In a customer-facing role it helps to acknowledge everyone before concentrating intently on the person right in front of you.

The people behind may get impatient, but they’ll be less frustrated if you’ve made eye contact and given them a nod and they’ll recognise everyone in the queue gets your full attention when their turn comes around.

Online it’s possible to keep many text and email conversations going at the same time but there are limits to how many you can handle effectively, so recognise what you’re capable of and don’t be pushed into taking on more.

You might hit your targets but if you don’t find a successful resolution for each one, disgruntled customers will be back in touch.

And at the end of the day it isn’t how many customers you handle that counts but how many of their problems you resolve. Customers are less bothered about being made to wait if, when they finally get to speak, they feel they are being listened to by someone who cares.

So stay focused and don’t let a busy day put you off your stride. It’s your job to provide help . . . and you can only do that one customer at a time.


For all the latest Customer Service vacancies visit s1jobs.