Early Years Practitioner (Gaelic Medium) - Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce - EDN29013

CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL, Pilrig, City of Edinburgh

Early Years Practitioner (Gaelic Medium) - Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce - EDN29013

£20,001 - £30,000

CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL, Pilrig, City of Edinburgh

  • Full time
  • Permanent

Posted 2 days ago, 2 Oct | Get your application in today.

Closing date: 16-10-2024 (In 11 days)

job Ref: EDN29013

Full Job Description

Job Description

Children, Education and Justice Services

Early Years Practitioner (Gaelic Medium)
Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce

Salary: £26,788 - £30,751 (pro rata for sessional and part time if applicable)
Hours: See below

There are three posts available:
2 x 36 hours (full time during term time): working hours 8:15-16:30 (13:15 on Fridays)
1 x 12.75 hours (part time during term time): working hours Monday 8:15-16:30 and Friday 8:15-13:15

Please detail in your application for which post(s) you wish to be considered. Applicants must be Gaelic speakers and must have a relevant Early Years qualification.

Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce is Edinburgh’s Gaelic-medium primary school, offering primary education and nursery provision for children in the City of Edinburgh and the Lothians. The school opened in August 2013. Our families come from a wide range of social and linguistic backgrounds. Most learners start at Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce with little or no Gaelic and therefore a key task from nursery onwards is to develop Gaelic language competence, using the immersion approach.

This session we have fifteen primary classes and a nursery class of 40.

The leadership team consists of the Head Teacher, 2 Depute Head Teachers, 2 Principal Teachers and a Business Manager. Music instructors visit the school weekly. The school has a number of support staff in place to meet the needs of all learners. We are very well supported by our Parent Council which takes an active role in the life and work of the school. Many parents and community members play a key role as volunteers. The school is developing strong links within the community and is supported in this work by Comunn na Gàidhlig’s Gaelic Development Officer and the City of Edinburgh Council Corporate Gaelic Development Officer.

We are seeking three Gaelic speaking Early Years Practitioners to join our staff team on a permanent basis.

This post is regulated work with children and/or protected adults under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. The preferred candidate will be required to join the PVG Scheme or undergo a PVG Scheme update check.  Where an individual has spent a continuous period of 3 months or more out with the UK in the last 5 years, an Overseas Criminal Record Check will be required. You will be required to provide this check. An unconditional offer of employment and commencement in the post will be subject to the outcome of both these pre-employment checks being deemed satisfactory.

We're committed to creating a workplace culture where all our people feel valued, included and able to be their best at work, and we recognise the benefits that a diverse workforce with different values, beliefs, experience, and backgrounds brings to us as an organisation.

As part of our goal to improve our organisational culture and create a great place to work together for the people of Edinburgh, we want to make sure that we’re bringing the best people into our roles, not just in their skills and experience but also in their approach to work.

To help achieve this, we’re changing the way we interview and assess candidates by moving from a competency-based interview approach to a behavioural and technical (skills for the job) based approach. This new way of interviewing will allow us to assess how you think and how you would bring Our Behaviours of Respect, Integrity and Flexibility into your ways of working.

You can find out more on Our Behaviours web page Our Behaviours – The City of Edinburgh Council

Our salary range typically reflects the initial starting salary and annually increases until it reaches the top of the range.

Follow us on Twitter at @edincounciljobs  


’S e Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Dhùn Èideann, a’ tabhann foghlam bun-sgoile agus sgoil-àraich ann am Baile Dhùn Èideann agus Lodainn. Dh’fhosgail an sgoil anns an Lùnasdal, 2013. Tha ar teaghlaichean a’ tighinn bho shuidheachaidhean sòisealta is cànanach gu math farsaing. Bidh a’ mhòr-chuid de luchd-ionnsachaidh a’ tòiseachadh aig Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pàirce le glè bheag de Ghàidhlig agus mar sin ’s e a’ Ghàidhlig a’ leasachadh an obair as cudromaiche bhon sgoil-àraich, a’ cleachdadh a’ mhodail bhogaidh.

Tha an ceannardas an-dràsda air a dhèanamh suas den cheannard, dà leas cheannardan, dà phrìomh thidsear agus manaidsear gnìomhachais. Bidh oidean ciùil ’san sgoil gach seachdain. Tha grunn luchd-taic aig an sgoil, a’ toirt taic do fheumalachdan gach sgoilear. Tha sinn a’ faighinn tòrr taic bho Chomhairle nam Pàrant a tha a’ gabhail pàirt gnìomhach ann am beatha agus obair na sgoile. Tha mòran phàrantan agus buill coimhearsnachd againn mar shaor-thoilich. Tha an sgoil a’ leasachadh ceanglaichean làidir taobh a-staigh na coimhearsnachd agus a’ faighinn taic san obair seo bho Oifigear Leasachaidh Gàidhlig, Comunn na Gàidhlig agus Oifigear Leasachaidh Corporra Ghàidhlig aig Comhairle Baile Dhùn Èideann.

Tha sinn a’ sireadh 3 Neach Obrach airson nan Tràth Bhliadhnaichean airson a bhith pàirt den sgioba sgoile again. ’S e dreuchd làn-ùine, maireannach a tha seo.