Head Teacher - Glendale Gaelic Primary School / Bunsgoil Ghàidhlig Ghleann Dail - GLA12675

Glasgow, Strathbungo, Glasgow City

Head Teacher - Glendale Gaelic Primary School / Bunsgoil Ghàidhlig Ghleann Dail - GLA12675

£60,001 - £70,000

Glasgow, Strathbungo, Glasgow City

  • Full time
  • Permanent

Posted today, 27 Oct | Get your application in now to be one of the first to apply.

Closing date: Today!

job Ref: GLA12675

Full Job Description

Job Description

Can you make a difference to the future lives of Glasgow's children?  

What are your aspirations as a senior manager in education?

Here is an opportunity you will not want to miss in Glasgow.  

Education are seeking to appoint highly motivated, dynamic and experienced individuals with an excellent track record in school management.  We are looking for people who can lead the schools community, develop learning and teaching and ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential.  We seek experienced and highly motivated leaders. 

You must be a fluent Gaelic speaker.

Membership of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme will be essential on taking up appointment along with GTCS Registration. Please note successful candidates for the above position will be required to pay for their PVG Membership/or Scheme Checks.

The Standard for Headship is now an essential requirement for this post.  If the successful candidate does not meet this requirement the post may be offered on a temporary basis for a maximum period of 20 months if the panel is satisfied that there is a likelihood that the Into Headship qualification will be achieved within this timescale.  A permanent contract will be offered only when the course is successfully completed.  If it becomes clear that this essential qualification will not be achieved within 20 months then the contract will be ended with appropriate notice and internal candidates will revert to their substantive post.

An urrainn dhut diofar a dhèanamh do bheatha chloinne Ghlaschu san àm ri teachd? Dè na miannan a th’ agad mar àrd-mhanaidsear ann am foghlam? Seo cothrom nach bi thu airson a chall ann an Glaschu. Tha foghlam a’ feuchainn ri daoine fa leth àrd-bhrosnaichte, fiùghantach agus eòlach fhastadh aig a bheil deagh eachdraidh ann an stiùireadh sgoile. Tha sinn a’ coimhead airson daoine as urrainn coimhearsnachd nan sgoiltean a stiùireadh, ionnsachadh agus teagasg a leasachadh agus dèanamh cinnteach gun coilean a h-uile sgoilear an làn chomais. Bidh sinn a’ sireadh stiùirichean eòlach agus àrd-bhrosnaichte.

Feumaidh tu a bhith fileanta sa Ghàidhlig.

Bidh ballrachd san Sgeama Dìon Bhuidhnean So-leònte deatamach nuair a thèid thu dhan dreuchd còmhla ri Clàradh GTCS. Thoir an aire gum feum tagraichean soirbheachail airson na dreuchd gu h-àrd pàigheadh airson am Ballrachd PVG / no Sgrùdaidhean Sgeama.

Tha an Inbhe airson Ceannardas a-nis na riatanas riatanach airson na dreuchd seo. Mura coinnich an tagraiche soirbheachail ris an riatanas seo faodar an dreuchd a thabhann air stèidh sealach airson ùine 20 mìosan aig a’ char as àirde ma tha am panal riaraichte gu bheil coltas ann gun tèid an teisteanas Into Headship a choileanadh taobh a-staigh na h-ùine seo. Cha tèid cùmhnant maireannach a thabhann ach nuair a bhios an cùrsa air a chrìochnachadh gu soirbheachail. Ma dh’fhàsas e soilleir nach tèid an teisteanas riatanach seo a choileanadh taobh a-staigh 20 mìosan, thig a’ chùmhnant gu crìch le fios iomchaidh agus tillidh tagraichean bhon taobh a-staigh don dreuchd bhunasach aca.

Application Packs

Alternative Application Packs can be requested in other formats for example, Large Print, Braille, Audio and other languages. To request an alternative Application Pack please phone . Packs will be posted out to you within 3 working days of receiving your telephone request. Please note the closing date of the job advert to ensure that you give yourself plenty of time to complete your application form and return it to us.

Further Information

For further information about working for us please refer to our website Working For us