Technical Operator (BBC Scotland) Technical Operator (BBC Scotland)

BBC Studios Distribution Limited

Technical Operator (BBC Scotland) Technical Operator (BBC Scotland)


BBC Studios Distribution Limited, Inverness

  • Full time
  • Permanent
  • Onsite working

Posted 2 days ago, 26 Sep | Get your application in today.

Closing date: Closing date not specified

job Ref: 6182fac8a8b14a699faad5d221666da9

Full Job Description

  • Carry out the necessary planning to ensure that all required facilities and arrangements are available in the radio studios, TV gallery and on the studio floor (and where appropriate for outside).
  • Co-ordinate assembly of all material required for programme.
  • Responsible for handling problems encountered with live transmissions, taking account of editorial priorities and availability of Resources.
  • Decide on which equipment is best suited to the editorial "style" sought.
  • Advise and guide on story treatments in terms of production values and technical viability.
  • Direct the programme for live broadcasts, transmission or recording, either on location or studio, taking into account time constraints, lighting requirements and film-making techniques.
  • Supervise and produce the editing of material as required.
  • Using broadcast camera equipment to gather content.
  • Cuir plana an gnìomh gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil na goireasan a tha a dhith ann an stiùideothan radio, TV agus anns na h-ionadan stiùiridh (agus a-muigh nuair a tha sin a dhith).
  • Cò-ordanachadh agus a' toirt ri chèile na stuthan air fad a tha dhìth airson prògram.
  • Dèiligeadh le trioblaidean a nochdas le craolaidhean beò, a' gabhail feart do phrìomhachasan susbaint, agus na goireasan a tha dhìth.
  • Co-dhùnadh dè an uidheamachd às fheàrr airson stoidhle sònraichte de shusbaint a choilionadh.
  • Stiùireadh agus comhairle a thoirt seachad mu dhòighean ealanta gus sgeulachdan innse agus feumalachdan teicnigeach airson a leithid.
  • Stiùireadh phrògraman beò air an eadhar air radio agus telebhisean, a' craoladh no a' clàradh, agus 'san stiùidio no a-muigh, a' gabhail feart do feumalachdan ùine, solais agus fiolmaidh.
  • Taic a thoirt le a bhith a' deasachadh stuthan mar a tha sin a dhith.
  • Stuthan a thrusadh a' cleachdadh uidheamachd camara craolaidh proifeiseanta agus ga dheasachadh airson a dhol a-mach air an eadhar., Eòlas de bhith ag obair mar obraiche theicnigich ann an àrainn craolaidh bheò agus thar farsaingeachd de stoidhlichean riochdachaidh.
  • Eòlas air a bhith a' cleachdadh siostaman ingest, baseband agus file-based routing.
  • Deagh eòlas teicnigeach air inbhean meadhanan didseatach, codecs, modhan-obrach riochdachaidh agus na tha a' crochadh orra.
  • Deagh eòlas teicnigeach air siostaman craolaidh agus bun-structair agus goireasan stìùidio agus craoladh a-muigh (OB).
  • Deagh thuigse air soillseachadh airson telebhisean agus an uidheamachd agus na siostaman air a shon.
  • Tuigse air dath agus solas ann an riochdachadh telebhisean agus sgilean ann a bhith a' cleachdadh uidheamachd gus seo atharrachadh airson diofar fheumalachdan ealain agus susbaint a choilionadh.
  • Deagh eòlas air gluasad circuitean eadar-roinneil agus siostaman agus pròiseasan smachdachaidh.
  • Deagh eòlas air slàinte agus sàbhailteachd san àite obrach co-cheangailte ri stiùidio agus craoladh OB.
  • About the BBC The BBC is committed to redeploying employees seeking suitable alternative employment within the BBC for different reasons and they will be given priority consideration ahead of other applicants. Priority consideration means for those employees seeking redeployment their application will be considered alongside anyone else at risk of redundancy, prior to any individuals being considered who are not at risk. We don't focus simply on what we do - we also care how we do it. Our values and the way we behave are important to us. Please make sure you've read about our values and behaviours here. Diversity matters at the BBC. We have a working environment where we value and respect every individual's unique contribution, enabling all of our employees to thrive and achieve their full potential. We want to attract the broadest range of talented people to be part of the BBC - whether that's to contribute to our programming or our wide range of non-production roles. The more diverse our workforce, the better able we are to respond to and reflect our audiences in all their diversity. We are committed to equality of opportunity and welcome applications from individuals, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic background, religion and/or belief. We will consider flexible working requests for all roles, unless operational requirements prevent otherwise.

  • Experience of working as a technical operator in a live broadcast environment and a range of production genres.
  • Experience of operating baseband and file-based routing and ingest systems.
  • Good technical knowledge of digital media standards, codecs, production workflows and their dependencies.
  • Good technical knowledge of broadcast systems and infrastructure and studio and outside broadcast (OB) facilities.
  • Understanding of television lighting and the equipment and systems.
  • Appreciation of colour and light in television production and skill in operating the equipment to control these factors to meet artistic and editorial requirements.
  • Good knowledge of local and inter-regional circuit routing and control systems and processes.
  • A good knowledge of safe working practices in studio and OB environments.

    The Technical Operator (TO) will be based in the BBC Inverness office and will work as part of a team of around ten Senior Technical Operator and Technical Operators. The team is managed by a Lead Technical Operator who is also based in Inverness. The TO will perform various roles to gather, process and broadcast content on BBC ALBA and Radio nan Gaidheal and will work very closely with editorial colleagues to deliver the ambitious and high-quality news content that our audiences expect. The role will involve a mix of office-based tasks including outputting live TV and radio content and work in the field gathering content for use on multiple platforms. The highest technical standards are expected to be met at all times and skills will be constantly developed to meet the needs of the changing media landscape. The TO will be expected to embrace the BBC's aim of prioritising our digital platforms and will be expected to work together with editorial colleagues to drive growth. The TO will be
  • part of the wider Nations Operations team working across Scotland. Bidh an t-obraiche teicnigeach (TO) stèidhichte ann an oifis a' BhBC ann an Inbhir Nis agus bidh iad mar phàirt de sgioba anns a bheil mu dheichnear àrd obraichean teicnigeach agus obraichean teicnigeach. Tha Prìomh Obraiche Teicnigeach (LTO) stèidhichte ann an Inbhir Nis a tha os cionn na sgioba. Bidh iomadh gnìomh fa chomair an TO a' trusadh, a' gearradh, a' deasachadh agus a' craoladh susbaint air BBC ALBA agus Radio nan Gaidheal, agus feumaidh iad obair gu dlùth le co-obraichean susbaint ann a bhith a' lìbhrigeadh stuthan agus prògraman naidheachd àrd-amasach aig fìor àrd-ìre. Bidh measgachadh de ghnìomhan oifise, leithid a bhith a' cur a-mach phrògraman beò air telebhisean agus radio, agus obair air a' bhlàr a-muigh, leithid a bhith a' clàradh no a' craoladh airson telebhisean, radio agus na meadhanan didseatach, an luib na h-obrach. Feumar na h-inbhean teicnigeach às àirde a' choilionadh an còmhnaidh, agus feumar a bhith deònach ur ur sgilean teicnigeach a leasachadh fad an t-siubhail gus dèiligeadh ri saoghal craolaidh ioma-mheadhanach a tha a' sìor atharrachadh. Feumaidh an TO feart a thoirt do dh'amasan a' BhBC prìomhachas a thoirt dha ùrlaran didseatach, agus bidh aca ri obair còmhla ri co-obraichean susbaint gus fàs a thoirt air ùrlaran. Bidh an TO mar phàirt den Sgioba Obrach Roinneil ag obair air feadh na h-Alba., The Technical Operator (TO) will be based in the BBC Inverness office and will work as part of a team of around ten Senior Technical Operator and Technical Operators. The team is managed by a Lead Technical Operator who is also based in Inverness. The TO will perform various roles to gather, process and broadcast content on BBC ALBA and Radio nan Gaidheal and will work very closely with editorial colleagues to deliver the ambitious and high-quality news content that our audiences expect. The role will involve a mix of office-based tasks including outputting live TV and radio content and work in the field gathering content for use on multiple platforms. The highest technical standards are expected to be met at all times and skills will be constantly developed to meet the needs of the changing media landscape. The TO will be expected to embrace the BBC's aim of prioritising our digital platforms and will be expected to work together with editorial colleagues to drive growth. The TO will be part of the wider Nations Operations team working across Scotland. Bidh an t-obraiche teicnigeach (TO) stèidhichte ann an oifis a' BhBC ann an Inbhir Nis agus bidh iad mar phàirt de sgioba anns a bheil mu dheichnear àrd obraichean teicnigeach agus obraichean teicnigeach. Tha Prìomh Obraiche Teicnigeach (LTO) stèidhichte ann an Inbhir Nis a tha os cionn na sgioba. Bidh iomadh gnìomh fa chomair an TO a' trusadh, a' gearradh, a' deasachadh agus a' craoladh susbaint air BBC ALBA agus Radio nan Gaidheal, agus feumaidh iad obair gu dlùth le co-obraichean susbaint ann a bhith a' lìbhrigeadh stuthan agus prògraman naidheachd àrd-amasach aig fìor àrd-ìre. Bidh measgachadh de ghnìomhan oifise, leithid a bhith a' cur a-mach phrògraman beò air telebhisean agus radio, agus obair air a' bhlàr a-muigh, leithid a bhith a' clàradh no a' craoladh airson telebhisean, radio agus na meadhanan didseatach, an luib na h-obrach. Feumar na h-inbhean teicnigeach às àirde a' choilionadh an còmhnaidh, agus feumar a bhith deònach ur ur sgilean teicnigeach a leasachadh fad an t-siubhail gus dèiligeadh ri saoghal craolaidh ioma-mheadhanach a tha a' sìor atharrachadh. Feumaidh an TO feart a thoirt do dh'amasan a' BhBC prìomhachas a thoirt dha ùrlaran didseatach, agus bidh aca ri obair còmhla ri co-obraichean susbaint gus fàs a thoirt air ùrlaran. Bidh an TO mar phàirt den Sgioba Obrach Roinneil ag obair air feadh na h-Alba.

    Excellent career progression - the BBC offers great opportunities for employees to seek new challenges and work in different areas of the organisation. Unrivalled training and development opportunities - our in-house Academy hosts a wide range of internal and external courses and certification. Benefits - We offer a negotiable salary package, a flexible 35-hour working week for work-life balance and 25 days annual leave with the option to buy an extra 5 days, a defined pension scheme and discounted dental, health care, gym and much more.